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夏天 xiàtiān Summer in Chinese

Image Credit: MaryWenstrom on Pixabay

If it’s June, that means: 夏天到了! Xiàtiān dàole! Summer is here!

天气很好。 Tiānqì hěn hǎo. The weather is beautiful.

For many people, the weather is the greatest thing about summer. So, let’s give you some expressions you can use.

  • 今天天气很好。
    Jīntiān tiānqì hěn hǎo.

    The weather is beautiful today.
  • 阳光普照。
    Yángguāng pǔzhào.

    The sun is shining.
  • 天空晴朗无云。
    Tiānkōng qínglǎng wú yún.

    There are no clouds in the sky.
  • 有微微的风。
    Yǒu wéiwéi de fēng.

    There’s a nice breeze.
  • 空气很新鲜。
    Kōngqì hěn xīnxiān.

    The air is fresh.
  • 这是完美的一天。
    Zhè shì wánměi de yītiān.

    It’s a perfect day.

太热了! Tài rèle! It’s too hot!

Of course, not everyone loves summer weather. If you’re one of those people, you may want to say something like:

  • 今天太热了。
    Jīntiān tài rèle.
    It’s too hot today.
  • 天气非常潮湿。
    Tiānqì fēicháng cháoshī.
    It’s very humid.
  • 我出汗了。
    Wǒ chū hànle.
    I’m sweating.
  • 开空调吧!
    Kāi kòngtiáo ba!
    Put the air-conditioner on!

一起到外面去吧! Yīqǐ dào wàimiàn qù ba! Let’s go outside!

When the weather is nice in the summer, you’ll hopefully have a chance to take advantage of it and get outside. Whether you like 放松的户外活动 fàngsōng de hùwài huódòng relaxing outdoor activities or 运动 yùndòng sports, there’s usually something for everyone in the summer.

  • 我们去散步吧。
    Wǒmen qù sànbù ba.
    Let’s go for a walk.
  • 我想去公园。
    Wǒ xiǎng qù gōngyuán.
    I want to go to the park.
  • 我们坐下来看日落吧。
    Wǒmen zuò xiàlái kàn rìluò ba.
    Let’s sit and watch the sunset.
  • 这个周末我们要去野餐。
    Zhège zhōumò wǒmen yào qù yěcān.
    We’re having a picnic this weekend.
  • 我们去骑自行车吧。
    Wǒmen qù qí zìxíngchē ba.
    Let’s go for a bike ride.
  • 我们去爬山吧。
    Wǒmen qù páshān ba.
    Let’s go for a hike in the mountains.
  • 我们打网球吧。
    Wǒmen dǎ wǎngqiú ba.
    Let’s play tennis.
  • 我们打篮球吧。
    Wǒmen dǎ lánqiú ba.
    Let’s play basketball.
  • 我们踢足球吧。
    Wǒmen tī zúqiú ba.
    Let’s play soccer.
  • 我们打棒球吧。
    Wǒmen dǎ bàngqiú ba.
    Let’s play baseball.
  • 我想去跑步。
    Wǒ xiǎng qù pǎobù.
    I want to go for a run.
  • 我们要去攀岩。
    Wǒmen yào qù pānyán.
    We’re going rock climbing.

我们去海滩吧。 Wǒmen qù hǎitān ba. Let’s go to the beach.

The beach is a favorite summer destination. If you’re going, you’ll probably want to know these words: 泳衣/泳裤 yǒngyī/yǒng kù  a swim suit (women’s/men’s), 一条毛巾 yītiáo máojīn  a towel, 太阳镜 tàiyángjìng  sunglasses, 防晒霜 fángshài shuāng  sunscreen, 一本好书 yī běn hǎo shū  a good book, 冲浪板 chōnglàng bǎn a surf board. Here are some things you may see at the beach: 海洋 hǎiyáng the ocean, 海浪 hǎilàng a wave, shā  sand, 贝壳 bèiké seashells, 一座灯塔 yīzuò dēngtǎ  a light house, 一只海鸥 yī zhǐ hǎi’ōu a seagull, 一只螃蟹 yī zhǐ pángxiè a crab, 一只水母 yī zhǐ shuǐmǔ a jellyfish, 一条鱼 yītiáo yú a fish, 一只海星 yī zhǐ hǎixīng a starfish, 一条鲨鱼 yītiáo shāyú a shark, 一只海豚 yī zhǐ hǎitún a dolphin, 一条船 yītiáo chuán  a boat, 船板散步 chuán bǎn sànbù the board walk, 一家冰淇淋店 yījiā bīngqílín diàn  an ice cream shop.

Some other expressions that will come in handy are:

  • 我想躺在太阳下。
    Wǒ xiǎng tǎng zài tàiyáng xià.
    I want to lie in the sun.
  • 我们去游泳吧。
    Wǒmen qù yóuyǒng ba.
    Let’s go swimming.
  • 我晒黑了。
    Wǒ shài hēile.
    I’m getting a sun tan.
  • 我晒伤了。
    Wǒ shài shāngle.
    I got a sun burn.
  • 我们堆一座沙堡吧。
    Wǒmen duī yīzuò shā bǎo ba.
    Let’s build a sand castle.
  • 我们在海浪中玩吧。
    Wǒmen zài hǎilàng zhōng wán ba.
    Let’s play in the waves.
  • 我们找贝壳吧。
    Wǒmen zhǎo bèiké ba.
    Let’s look for seashells.
  • 我想要冰激淋。
    Wǒ xiǎng yào bīng jī lín.
    I want ice cream.

一个安静的夏夜 Yīgè ānjìng de xià yè  A Quiet Summer Night

夏天太阳晚下山。  Xiàtiān tàiyáng wǎn xiàshān  The sun sets late in the summer. But there’s nothing like a nice summer night, whether you’re having drinks outside with your friends, or you’re just sitting and listening to nature.

  • 我们坐在外面吧。
    Wǒmen zuò zài wàimiàn ba.
    Let’s sit outside.
  • 夜晚很凉爽。
    Yèwǎn hěn liángshuǎng.
    The night is cool.
  • 我听到蟋蟀声。
    Wǒ tīng dào xīshuài shēng.
    I hear crickets.
  • 我看到了萤火虫
    Wǒ kàn dàole yínghuǒchóng.
    I see lightning bugs.
  • 微风吹过树林。
    Wéifēng chuīguò shùlín.
    The breeze is blowing through the trees.
  • 月亮正在升起。
    Yuèliàng zhèngzài shēng qǐ.
    The moon is rising.
  • 明天又是美好的一天。
    Míngtiān yòu shì měihǎo de yītiān.
    Tomorrow will be another beautiful day.

好好享受夏天! Hǎohǎo xiǎngshòu xiàtiān! Enjoy the summer!

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