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Chinese Vocabulary for the Bathroom

在浴室里 Zài yù shì lǐ: In the Bathroom. Chinese Vocabulary for the Bathroom

In this post we’ll take a look at vocabulary and expressions that will help you talk about one of the most important rooms in the house. We’re not talking about the kitchen, but you can check that out here. In this post, we’ll focus on Chinese vocabulary for the bathroom. First, you’ll learn vocabulary and expressions related to public toilets in Chinese. Then we’ll move on to vocabulary for talking about the bathroom at home. Next we’ll talk about Chinese vocabulary for getting clean. After that we’ll move on to vocabulary for perfume and makeup. Finally we’ll wrap up with vocabulary and expressions that you can use to ask someone if you can use their bathroom.

Public Toilets in Chinese

If you’re visiting a city and doing a lot of sightseeing, chances are you’re going to need to use the toilet at some point. Which means you’ll need to know: 公共厕所 gōng gòng cè suǒ public toilet; 小便xiǎo biàn chí urinal; 男厕所 nán cè suǒ men’s room; 厕所nǚ cè suǒ  ladies’ room.

  • 卫生间在哪里?
    Wèi shēnɡ jiān zài nǎ lǐ?
    Where is the toilet?
  • 附近有公共厕所/公共卫生间吗?
    Fù jìn yǒu gōng gòng cè suǒ / gōng gòng wèi shēnɡ jiān ma?

    Is there a public toilet nearby?
  • 男厕所/女厕所在哪里?
    Nán cè suǒ / nǚ cè suǒ zài nǎ lǐ?

    Where’s the men’s room/ladies’ room?
  • 公园里有自动清洁的公共厕所。
    Gōng yuán lǐ yǒu zì dòng qīng jí de gōng gòng cè suǒ.

    There are automatic, self-cleaning public toilets in the park.
  • 公共厕所是免费的还是得付费?
    Gōng gòng cè suǒ shì miǎn fèi de huán shì děi fù fèi?

    Is the public toilet free or do I have to pay?
  • 请付钱给服务员。
    Qǐng fù qián gěi fú wù yuán.

    Please pay the attendant.
  • 这个厕所有人。
    Zhè gè cè suǒ yǒu rén.

    The toilet is occupied.
  • 这个厕所关了。
    Zhè gè cè suǒ guān le.

    The toilet is closed.
  • 厕所正在打扫。
    Cè suǒ zhèng zài dǎ sǎo.

    The toilet is being cleaned.
  • 出口旁边有厕所 (卫生间) /小便池。
    Chūkǒu pángbiān yǒu cèsuǒ (wèishēngjiān)/xiǎobiàn chí.

    There are toilets/urinals next to the exit.

Talking about the Bathroom at Home

Let’s start with some of the basics. In most bathrooms, you’ll find: 淋浴 lín yù a shower, 水槽 shuǐ cáo a sink, 浴缸 yù gāng a bathtub, 马桶 mǎ tǒng  a toilet, 卫生纸 wèi shēng zhǐ toilet paper, 镜子 jìng zi  a mirror, 橱柜/药柜 chú guì / yào guì a vanity/medicine cabinet, 浴巾 yù jīn a bath towel, 手巾 shǒu jīn a hand towel, 毛巾架 máo jīn jià towel rack.

  • 我在洗澡。
    Wǒ zài xǐ zǎo.
    I’m taking a shower.
  • 我每天早上洗澡。
    Wǒ měi tiān zǎo shang xǐ zǎo.
    I take a shower every morning.
  • 我很脏/我出很多汗。我要洗个澡。
    Wǒ hěn zāng / wǒ chū hěn duō hàn. Wǒ yào xǐ gè zǎo.
    I’m dirty/sweaty. I need to take a shower.
  • 我在澡。
    Wǒ zài pào zǎo.
    I’m taking a bath.
  • 我需要洗脸。
    Wǒ xū yào xǐ liǎn.
    I need to wash my face.
  • 马桶在浴缸旁边。
    Mǎ tǒng zài yù gāng páng biān.
    The toilet is next to the bathtub.
  • 浴室的水槽很小。
    Yù shì de shuǐ cáo hěn xiǎo.
    The bathroom sink is small.
  • 水槽上方有一面镜子。
    Shuǐ cáo shàng fāng yǒu yī miàn jìng zi.
    There’s a mirror above the sink.
  • 阿司匹林在药柜里。
    Ā sī pī lín zài yào guì lǐ.
    The aspirin is in the medicine cabinet.
  • 毛巾架上挂着一条干净的毛巾。
    Máo jīn jià shàng guà zhe yī tiáo gān jìng de máo jīn.
    A clean towel is hanging on the towel rack.
  • 请把马桶盖儿合上。
    Qǐng bǎ mǎ tǒng gàir shàng.
    Please close the toilet seat.

Chinese Vocabulary for Getting Clean

A lot of what we do in the bathroom is related to washing and getting clean: 洗手液 xǐ shǒu yè soap, 洗发水 xǐ fà shuǐ shampoo, 护发素 hù fà sù conditioner, 体香剂 tǐ xiāng jì deodorant, 牙膏 yá gāo toothpaste, 牙刷 yá shuā toothbrush, 剃须刀 tì xū dāo razor, 剃须膏 tì xū gāo shaving cream, 牙线 yá xiàn dental floss, 保湿霜 bǎo shī shuāng moisturizer/moisturizing cream, 梳子 shū zi (hair)brush, comb, 吹风机 chuī fēng jī blow dryer, 拔毛夹 bá máo jiā tweezers, 指甲钳 zhǐ jia qián toenail clipper.

  • 我在洗手。
    Wǒ zài xǐ shǒu.
    I’m washing my hands.
  • 我要洗一下手。
    Wǒ yào xǐ yī xià shǒu.
    I need to wash my hands.
  • 洗手液在哪儿?
    Xǐ shǒu yè zài nǎr?
    Where’s the soap?

Brushing Your Teeth

  • 我每天晚上都刷牙和用牙线清洁牙。
    Wǒ měi tiān wǎn shang dōu shuā yá hé yòng yá xiàn qīng jíe yá chǐ.
    I brush and floss my teeth every night.
  • 我们需要更多的牙膏。
    Wǒmen xū yào gèng duō de yá gāo.
    We need more toothpaste.
  • 我的牙刷是蓝色的,你的牙刷是白色的。
    Wǒ de yá shuā shì lán sè de, nǐ de yá shuā shì bái sè de.
    My toothbrush is blue, and your toothbrush is white.

Washing Your Hair

  • 我在镜子前梳头。
    Wǒ zài jìng zi qián shū tóu.
    I brush/comb my hair in front of the mirror.
  • 梳子在水槽旁边的抽屉里。
    Shū zi zài shuǐ cáo páng biān de chōu ti lǐ.
    The combs and brushes are in the drawer next to the sink.
  • 洗发水用完了。
    Xǐ fà shuǐ yòng wán le.
    We’re out of shampoo.
  • 你用护发素吗?
    Nǐ yòng hù fà sù ma?
    Do you use conditioner?

Shaving and More

  • 我在淋浴时刮胡子。
    Wǒ zài lín yù shí guā hú zi.
    I shave in the shower.
  • 我需要买一把新剃须刀。
    Wǒ xū yào mǎi yī bǎ xīn tì xū dāo.
    I need to buy a new razor.
  • 剃须膏在哪儿?
    Tì xū gāo zài nǎr?
    Where’s the shaving cream?
  • 这种润肤霜闻起来真香。
    Zhè zhǒng rùn fū shuāng wén qǐ lái zhēn hǎo wén.
    This moisturizer smells really good.
  • 我用天然体香剂。
    Wǒ yòng tiān rán tǐ xiāng jì.
    I use a natural deodorant.
  • 拔毛夹在哪儿?
    Bá máo jiā zài nǎr?
    Where are the tweezers?

香水和化妆品 Xiāng shuǐ hé huà zhuāng pǐn: Perfume and Make Up

Some people’s morning bathroom routines include more than the basics. If you’re one of those people, you may want to know: 香水 xiāng shuǐ perfume, 古龙水 gǔ lóng shuǐ cologne, 化妆huà zhuāng pǐn makeup, 睫毛膏 jié máo gāo mascara, 眼影 yǎn yǐng eye shadow, 眼线笔 yǎn xiàn bǐ eyeliner, 粉饼 fěn bǐng powder, 口红 kǒu hóng lipstick, 指甲油 zhǐ jia yóu nail polish, 腮红 sāi hóng blush/rouge, 啫喱 zhě lí hair gel, 发胶 fà jiāo hairspray.

  • 你化妆吗?
    Nǐ huà zhuāng ma?
    Do you wear makeup?
  • 我每天早上化妆。
    Wǒ měi tiān zǎo shang huà zhuāng.
    I put on makeup every morning.
  • 我喜欢你的古龙水/香水。闻起来很好闻。
    Wǒ xǐ huan nǐ de gǔ lóng shuǐ / xiāng shuǐ. Wén qǐ lái hěn hǎo wén.
    I like your cologne/perfume. It smells nice.
  • 我在涂睫毛膏和画眼线。
    Wǒ zài tú jié máo gāo hé huà yǎn xiàn.
    I’m putting on mascara and eyeliner.
  • 你们有什么颜色的指甲油?
    Nǐ men yǒu shén me yán sè de zhǐ jia yóu?
    What color nail polish do you have?
  • 我每天都用啫喱
    Wǒ měi tiān dōu yòng zhě lí.
    I use hair gel every day.
  • 有发胶吗?
    Yǒu fà jiāo ma?
    Do you have hairspray?

Asking to Use the Bathroom

Of course, we also take care of more basic biological needs in the bathroom, most of which you probably don’t need to know how to talk about. But here are a few, because you never know!

  • 我能用一下你的浴室吗?
    Wǒ néng yòng yī xià nǐ de yù shì ma?
    Can I use your bathroom?
  • 我得去一下洗手间。
    Wǒ děi qù yī xià xǐ shǒu jiān.

    I have to go to the bathroom.
  • 我要小便 / 排便。
    Wǒ yào xiǎo biàn / páibiàn.
    I have to urinate/defecate.
  • 我去厕所。
    Wǒ qù cèsuǒ.

    I have to go to the toilet.
  • 卫生间在哪儿?
    Wèi shēng jiān zài nǎr?

    Where’s the bathroom?
  • 卫生间在走廊的后边,在左边/右边。
    Wèi shēng jiān zài zǒu láng de hòu biān, zài zuǒ biān / yòu biān.

    The bathroom is down the hall, to the left/right.
  • 别进来!我在上厕所!
    Bié jìn lái! Wǒ zài shàng cè suǒ!

    Don’t come in! I’m on the toilet!
  • 没有卫生纸了!
    Méi yǒu wèi shēng zhǐ le!

    There’s no toilet paper left!
  • 请冲厕所。
    Qǐng chōng cè suǒ.

    Please flush the toilet.
  • 马桶堵了。你有搋子吗?
    Mǎ tǒng dǔ le. Nǐ yǒu chuāi zi ma?
    The toilet is clogged. Do you have a plunger?

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