LEARN FRENCH / français

Dreaming of that trip to Paris or Montréal? Trying to get a competitive edge in Senegal or Switzerland? Or just a fan of great literature, film, wine, food, and fashion? There are tons of reasons to learn French, spoken across the globe and deeply respected as a language of diplomacy, business, and culture. We’ve got private French lessons, small group online French classes, and plenty of free learning resources for self-study in French.

Learn French with the Language Garage


Private French lessons are our most flexible and personalized option to help you learn French. You can choose a schedule that fits your life, you can learn at your own pace, and you can customize your French lessons for your personal needs and goals.

  • Request a consultation and a free trial to meet your teacher and see how we can help you learn French.
  • French private lessons are available in single pay-as-you-go lessons, or in discounted bundles.
  • Please ask us about pair learning for couples or friends, or family group learning.



Small Group Online French classes are only $299 for ten weeks of hour-long lessons, but if you enroll early you can take advantage of a discounted rate of $249. They’re relaxed and laid back, and with only three to five students per group, you’re guaranteed to get plenty of personal attention. Our online French classes are a great way to learn French.


Our groups lessons are under $25 per hour if you enroll at least two weeks before the start date.


We cap our groups at five students, so you’re guaranteed plenty of individual attention.


Our student material is available free of cost. We won’t nickel and dime you with extras.

If you’d like to sign up for a free demo of our small group online classes before you enroll, please click on the button and fill out the form at the bottom of the online classes page. We’ll be happy to show you what to expect and answer all your questions about how we can help you learn French.

Learn French in a small group online class


SAINT-MICHEL: Mondays 6pm-7pm Eastern (New York), Aug 26, 2024 — Oct 28, 2024
ODÉON: Saturdays 11am-12pm Eastern (New York), Aug 31, 2024 — Nov 2, 2024
CITÉ: Mondays 6pm-7pm Eastern (New York), Nov 4, 2024 — Jan 6, 2025
LES HALLES: Saturdays 11am-12pm Eastern (New York), Nov 9, 2024 — Jan 11, 2025
DESCRIPTION: Basic French for learners with no background or a very basic background: greetings, survival expressions, basic vocabulary for every day use, introduction to grammar essentials
MATERIAL: Language Garage French 1 Student book & audio (free)
Please complete the enrollment form below to join.


MABILLON: Tuesdays 6pm-7pm Eastern (New York), Aug 27, 2024 — Oct 29, 2024
JUSSIEU: Sundays 10am-11am Eastern (New York), Sep 1, 2024 — Nov 3, 2024
AUSTERLITZ: Tuesdays 6pm-7pm Eastern (New York), Nov 5, 2024 —Jan 7, 2025
SÈVRES-BABYLONE: Sundays 10am-11am Eastern (New York), Nov 10, 2024 — Jan 12, 2025
DESCRIPTION: Conversational French at an intermediate level, focus on practicing challenging grammatical structures and expanding vocabulary through natural conversation.
MATERIAL: Language Garage French 2 Student book & audio, select readings and grammar exercises (free)
Please complete the enrollment form below to join.


INVALIDES: Wednesdays 6pm-7pm Eastern (New York), Aug 28, 2024 — Oct 30, 2024
OPÉRA: Sundays 11am-12pm Eastern (New York), Sep 1, 2024 — Nov 3, 2024
MADELEINE: Wednesdays 6pm-7pm Eastern (New York), Nov 13, 2024 — Jan 29, 2025 (skipping Dec 25 & Jan 1)
GARE DE L’EST: Sundays 11am-12pm Eastern (New York), Nov 10, 2024 — Jan 12, 2025
DESCRIPTION: Conversational French at an advanced level, focus on authentic reading and video content in order to expand vocabulary and conversation skills.
MATERIAL: select readings and video content (free)
Please complete the enrollment form below to join.



Please fill out the form below to enroll in French classes. If you would like to complete your enrollment by paying for your small group now, please select $249 if you’re enrolling at least two weeks before the start date, or $299 if you’re enrolling later. If you prefer to pay later, we will email you payment instructions. All enrollments must be completed before participation in the class.

Enrolling at least two weeks before the start date?

Enrolling later?


Are you learning French on your own or do you already have a teacher? No problem! You’re welcome to create a free account to access tons of free learning resources. You can use them to help you learn French whether you’re enrolled in one of our classes or not!

  • Basic-Mini Courses that cover the essentials
  • Intermediate and Advanced vocabulary builders that focus on everyday themes
  • Grammar notes with simple explanations and loads of examples
  • Language Garage French Student books and audio



Bonjour ! Je m’appelle Sev. Voulez-vous apprendre le français avec moi ? Hello! My name is Sev.  I was born in New York City. At age two, I moved to France’s Loire Valley. My mother studied at the Sorbonne and became a German teacher, and my father spoke four languages fluently, so they encouraged a love of languages, culture, travel and the arts in me. I have taught French online, in person, and as a private tutor. I have worked for Living Language/Random House, Rosetta Stone, and the Alliance Française of San Francisco.

For me, it’s most important to help my students feel comfortable with a new language, even as a beginner. I want my students to feel confident when speaking, especially when making mistakes: it’s how we learn! The beauty of live lessons is that we can also address/touch on personal interests, about the language, the culture – food, art, history and more.

If you’re considering lessons in French, book a consultation and free trial lesson, so you can see how I teach, and I can discover how you learn. If there’s a match, nous apprenons ensemble ! We’ll learn together!