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French Vocabulary for the Home

À la maison: French Vocabulary for the Home

In this post you’ll learn some basic French vocabulary for the home. First, you’ll learn general vocabulary for rooms in French. Then you’ll move on to learn more French vocabulary for the Kitchen. Next you’ll learn French vocabulary for the living room. Then you’ll learn French vocabulary for the bathroom. And finally you’ll learn some French vocabulary for the bedroom. Learning this basic vocabulary with help you be able to talk about everyday life at home.

Rooms in French and Other Basic French Vocabulary for the Home

Let’s start with some basic vocabulary: la maison house; l’appartement (m.) apartment; la pièce/salle room; le salon living room; la cuisine kitchen; la salle de bain bathroom; la chambre (à coucher) bedroom; la salle à manger dining room; le sous-sol basement; le grenier attic; l’allée (f.) driveway; la fenêtre window; le mur wall; le plafond ceiling; le sol floor; la porte door.

  • Je rentre chez moi/à la maison.
    I’m going home.
  • Nous sommes à la maison. Nous ne sommes pas à la maison.
    We are home. / We aren’t home.
  • Vous habitez dans une maison ou un appartement ?
    Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  • Combien y a-t-il de chambres dans votre maison/appartement ?
    How many rooms are there in your house/apartment?
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French Vocabulary for the Kitchen and Dining Room

Now let’s focus on French vocabulary for the kitchen (la cuisine) and the dining room (la salle à manger): le réfrigérateur/le frigo (fam.) refrigerator; la cuisinière stove, cooker; le four oven; l’évier (m.) sink; le lave-vaisselle dishwasher: le placard cupboard; la table table; le tiroir drawer; la fourchette fork; le couteau knife; la cuillère spoon; l’assiette (f.) plate; le bol bowl; la tasse cup; le verre glass; la serviette napkin.

  • J’ai une petite cuisine.
    I have a small kitchen.
  • Je fais la cuisine dans la cuisine.
    I cook in the kitchen.
  • La nourriture est dans le réfrigérateur/le frigo.
    The food is in the refrigerator.
  • Il y a une table et six chaises dans la salle à manger.
    There are a table and six chairs in the dining room.
  • Nous dînons dans la salle à manger.
    We eat dinner in the dining room.

French Vocabulary for the Living Room

Here is some French vocabulary for the living room, le salon: le canapé/sofa sofa; la télé(vision) television; le rideau curtain; le tapis rug; l’étagère (f.) bookshelf; la lampe lamp.

  • Il y a un canapé/sofa et deux chaises dans le salon.
    There are a sofa and two chairs in the living room.
  • Nous regardons la télé dans le salon.
    We watch TV in the living room.

French Vocabulary for The Bedroom

Here is some French vocabulary for the bedroom (la chambre): le lit bed; l’oreiller (m.) pillow; la couverture blanket; le drap sheet; le bureau desk.

  • Je dors dans ma chambre (à coucher).
    I sleep in my bedroom.
  • J’ai un bureau dans ma chambre (à coucher).
    I have a desk in my bedroom.
  • Il y a une lampe sur le bureau.
    There is a lamp on the desk.

French Vocabulary for the Bathroom

And finally, let’s see some French vocabulary for the bathroom (la salle de bain): les toilettes (f.) toilet; le lavabo bathroom sink; la douche shower; la baignoire bathtub: la serviette (de bain) towel; le papier toilette toilet paper; la brosse à dent toothbrush; le dentifrice toothpaste; le savon soap; le shampooing shampoo; la brosse brush; le peigne comb; le rasoir razor.

  • Où est la salle de bain ? Où sont les toilettes ?
    Where is the bathroom? (for washing) Where is the bathroom? (for using the toilet)
  • Je prends une douche dans la salle de bain.
    I take a shower in the bathroom.

Culture Tip!

In France, it’s common to have one room where you wash, with a shower, bathtub, and sink, and that room is called the salle de bain. There’s often a separate small room just with a toilet, and perhaps a small wash basin. If you need to use this room, as for les toilettes.

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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some French vocabulary for the home, including French vocabulary for the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and the bedroom. If you’d like to learn more, check out our other posts on French language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live French lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work. We can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

Image by (Joenomias) Menno de Jong from Pixabay