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How to Tell Time and Give Dates in German

Wie spät ist es? How late is it? How to Tell Time and Give Dates in German

In this post we’ll learn how to tell time in German, how to give dates in German, and how to talk about days and months in German. First we’ll start with German vocabulary related to the time of day. Then you’ll learn how to tell time in German. Next you’ll learn the days of the week in Geman as well as the months of the year. Finally, you’ll learn how to give dates in German.

Der Tag, die Nacht: Day, Night

Let’s start with some basic vocabulary related to time of day: der Tag, -e day; die Nacht, -¨e night; der Morgen, -de morning; der Nachmittag, -e afternoon; der Abend, -e evening.

  • Es ist früh/spät.
    It’s early/late.
  • Ich schlafe nachts.
    I sleep at night.
  • Tagsüber arbeite ich.
    I work during the day.
  • Abends lesen wir.
    We read in the evening.
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How to Tell Time in German: Wie spät ist es? What time is it?

To ask what time it is, use Wie spät ist es? The answer will follow the format es est ___ Uhr (it is ___ o’clock.) The word halb means half, and it comes before a number meaning halfway toward that number, like the formula half six in English, meaning 5:30. Viertel means quarter, as in Viertel vor (a quarter to/before) and Viertel nach (a quarter after/past). The phrase Um wieviel Uhr at what time, or you could just simply ask wann (when). German uses the 24-hour clock in most official circumstances, so um dreizehn Uhr (at thirteen o’clock) is at 1pm.

  • Wie spät ist es?
    What time is it?
  • Es ist Mittag.
    It’s noon.
  • Es ist ein Uhr.
    It’s 1:00.
  • Es ist zwei Uhr.
    It’s 2:00.
  • Es ist halb vier.
    It’s 3:30.
  • Es ist Viertel vor sechs.
    It’s 5:45.
  • Wann fährt der Zug ab?
    When does the train leave?
  • Der Zug fährt um dreizehn Uhr dreißig (halb zwei nachmittags) ab.
    The train leaves at one thirty in the afternoon.
  • Um wieviel Uhr macht das Geschäft auf/zu?
    What time does the store open/close?
  • Das Geschäft macht morgens um zehn auf.
    The store opens at ten o’clock in the morning.

The Days of the Week in German

The days of the week in German are: Montag Monday; Dienstag Tuesday; Mittwoch Wednesday; Donnerstag Thursday; Freitag Friday; Samstag Saturday; Sonntag Sunday. Some other key vocabulary is: heute today, morgen tomorrow, gestern yesterday, heute Abend tonight, die Woche the week, das Wochenende the weekend.

  • Welcher Tag ist heute?
    What day is it today?
  • Ich arbeite montags, dienstags, mittwochs, donnerstags und freitags.
    I work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
  • Wir sehen unsere Freunde jeden Samstag.
    We see our friends every Saturday.
  • Was machst du heute Abend?
    What are you doing tonight?
  • Was hast du gestern gemacht?
    What did you do yesterday?
  • Ich sehe dich dieses Wochenende.
    I’ll see you this weekend.

More German Time Expressions

Some other important vocabulary to know when you’re talking about dates and times are: die Woche week; der Monat month, das Jahr year.

  • diese Woche, diesen Monat, dieses Jahr
    this week, this month, this year
  • letzte Woche, letzten Monat, letztes Jahr
    last week, last month, last year
  • nächste Woche, nächsten Monat, nächstes Jahr
    next week, next month, next year
  • Der Kurs fängt nächste Woche / nächsten Monat / nächstes Jahr an.
    The class starts next week/ month/ year.
  • Der Kurs hat letzte Woche / letzten Monat / letztes Jahr angefangen.
    The class started last week/ month/ year.

Months in German and How to Give Dates in German

The months of the year are: Januar January, Februar February, März March, April April, Mai May, Juni June, Juli July, August August, September September, Oktober October, November November, Dezember December. You’ll also see the months referred to by ordinal number, so November is also called Elften (Eleventh).

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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning how to tell time in German, how to give dates in German, and how to talk about days and months in German. If you want to learn more, check out our other posts on German language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live German lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage German. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work. We can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

Image by Birgit Böllinger from Pixabay

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