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Italian Vocabulary for Towns and Cities

La Città: Italian Vocabulary for Towns and Cities

In this post you’ll learn Italian vocabulary for towns and cities. First you’ll learn key vocabulary for things you see around town. Next you’ll learn Italian vocabulary for stores. After that you’ll see vocabulary for schools, restaurants, and other buildings you’re likely to see around town. Finally you’ll learn how to ask directions in Italian. All of this vocabulary will help you navigate everyday life in Italian.

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Italian Vocabulary for Around Town

Let’s start with some basic general vocabulary: l’edificio (m.) building; il condominio apartment building; l’edificio di uffici (m.) office building; la strada  street; l’autostrada (f.) highway; il marciapiede sidewalk; il parco park; il parcheggio parking lot; l’albergo (m.) hotel.

  • Dov’è l’albergo?
    Where’s the hotel?
  • C’è un parco qui vicino.
    There’s a park near here.
  • Quanti appartamenti ci sono in questo palazzo / edificio?
    How many apartments are in this building?

Italian Vocabulary for Stores

Now let’s look at how to say various kinds of stores: il negozio store; il supermercato supermarket; il negozio di abbigliamento/vestiti clothing store;il negozio di scarpe  shoe store; la gioielleria  jewelry store; il panificio  bakery; la pasticceria  pastry shop; il macellaio  butcher; la ferramenta  hardware store; la libreria  bookstore; il negozio di elettronica electronics store; la farmacia pharmacy.

  • Ci sono molti negozi in questa strada.
    There are a lot of stores on this street.
  • C’è un grande supermercato nella mia città.
    There is a big supermarket in my town.
  • C’è un negozio di scarpe/negozio di abbigliamento/libreria nelle vicinanze?
    Is there a shoe store/ clothing store/ bookstore nearby?

Italian Vocabulary for Places around Town

Now let’s look at vocabulary for other places around town: la scuola school; la biblioteca  library; l’università (f.) university; la caserma dei pompieri firehouse; l’ufficio postale (m.) post office; la stazione di polizia  police station; l’ospedale (m.) hospital; la stazione di servizio  gas station; la chiesa  church; la sinagoga  synagogue; il tempio  temple; la moschea mosque.

  • Gli studenti sono a scuola.
    The students are at school.
  • C’è un’università nella mia città.
    There’s a university in my city.
  • Vado all’ufficio postale.
    I’m going to the post office.
  • Vado in biblioteca.
    I’m going to the library.
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Italian Vocabulary for Entertainment

Now let’s look at vocabulary related to fun and entertainment: il ristorante restaurant; il bar bar; il museo  museum; il cinema cinema/movie theater; il teatro theater; la galleria d’arte art gallery.

  • C’è un buon ristorante?
    Is there a good restaurant?
  • Andiamo al cinema.
    Let’s go to the movies.
  • Vorremo visitare una galleria d’arte.
    We would like to visit an art gallery.

Italian Vocabulary for Transportation

Now let’s look at some vocabulary related to getting around town: la stazione ferroviaria train station; la stazione degli autobus  bus station; la fermata dell’autobus  bus stop; l’aeroporto (m.) airport; la stazione della metropolitana  subway station.

  • La stazione dei treni è in centro.
    The train station is downtown.
  • Prendo il treno per la città.
    I take the train to the city.
  • Prendo l’autobus per l’aeroporto.
    I take the bus to the airport.

How to Ask Directions in Italian

Let’s end with a few expressions related to asking directions: qui here; there, a destra to the right; a sinistra to the left; qui vicino/nelle vicinanze nearby; lontano far away.

  • Dov’è la metropolitana?
    Where is the subway?
  • È qui.
    It’s here.
  • È lì.
    It’s there.
  • È a destra.
    It’s to the right.
  • È a sinistra.
    It’s to the left.
  • È nelle vicinanze.
    It’s nearby.
  • È lontano.
    It’s far away.
  • È vicino all’albergo.
    It’s next to the hotel.
  • È dall’altra parte della strada.
    It’s across the street.
  • Vai dritto.
    Go straight.
  • Gira a sinistra.
    Turn left.
  • Girare a destra.
    Turn right.
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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some Italian vocabulary for towns and cities. Now you know how to use Italian vocabulary for stores, how to ask directions in Italian, and how to talk about places you’re likely to see in everyday life. If you’re interested in learning more, check out our other posts on Italian language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live Italian lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work – we can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

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