Small Group Online Classes are a very affordable option for learning a new language. We cap enrollments at five students, but groups are often even smaller. No matter how many students enroll in your section, you’re sure to have a fun, affordable, and effective experience with us!
What’s a Small Group Online Class?
A Small Group Online Class is an affordable way to learn a language online with two, three, or four other students. We cap enrollment in any section at five students, because participation and attention are essential when you’re learning a new language. We require a minimum of three enrollments for a small group class, but we can form a group with just two students for eight weeks instead of ten. Small groups meet on a regular schedule, typically once a week for ten weeks. During lessons, students meet online with their instructor and other students, and they focus on practicing new vocabulary, grammar, and speaking and listening skills. In between lessons, students work on their own to review and practice. To get the most out of a group, it’s important to spend a little time each day with your language, and we’ll make that as easy as possible for you by giving you specific things to focus on.
How Much does a Small Group Online Class Cost?
If you enroll earlier than two weeks before the start date, you can take advantage of our discounted rate of $249. That’s less than $25 an hour for quality live language instruction with a trained instructor! Later enrollment is possible at $299. We don’t like to turn people away for lack of funds, so if you’re in a financial bind, please let us know and we’ll do our best to offer further discounts.

Can I Form My Own Small Group?
Yes, of course! That makes things simple. If you have a group of friends, colleagues, or family members with similar levels and schedules, just email us at and we’ll come up with a plan that works well for you.
Which Languages Can I Learn in a Small Group?
We schedule small groups at different times throughout the year. We try to offer a range of languages, times, and levels. To see our current and upcoming schedule, please check out our online classes page, or just email us at If you don’t see a group in the language and level you’re looking for, please ask us if one is in the works.
How Often do Small Group Online Classes Meet?
With a minimum of three enrollments, small groups meet once a week for an hour, for a total of ten weeks. If only two students enroll, we will offer a slightly shorter program. Enrollment is capped at five students, so if six students enroll, we break the group into two smaller ones in order to assure maximum participation. Classes follow a regular schedule, for instance every Monday from 7pm to 8pm. We list our times in the US EASTERN/NEW YORK time zone, so please adjust for your time zone!
What Should I Expect in an Online Class?
You’ll meet with your instructor and fellow students each week at the scheduled time. The Language Garage instructors typically use Zoom or a similar platform. We’ll make sure you have your link information, and if you don’t have a Zoom or similar account, don’t worry, all you need to participate is the link.
During the lesson, instructor will share a slide presentation with all of the material that you’ll work on in that lesson. First, you’ll learn the new vocabulary and grammar by listening and repeating, along with a brief explanation given by your instructor. Then you’ll practice by answering and asking questions. The key: you’ll be speaking a lot, right from the beginning, in every lesson!

How Will I Practice Between Lessons?
It will be important for you to create a routine to practice your new language in between your lessons, and we’ll make that simple. Along with your enrollment you’ll have access to our original Language Garage student book PDF and practice audio.

The student book and audio follow exactly what you learn in your live lesson, so you’ll have a chance to review, read further explanations, do plenty of practice exercises, hear vocabulary and grammar examples, repeat, respond to questions, or take part in short dialogues. Best of all, we’ve designed this material so that it can fit into your schedule; everything is presented in bite-sized pieces, so if you can find just a few minutes a day on most days between your live lesson, you’ll retain what you learn and make much better progress.
If we don’t have Language Garage material for your language or level, we will provide you with material, or we may suggest a third party coursebook and audio that you can use. If you already use an app such as Duolingo, that’s great! The more contact you have with your new language between lessons, in any form, the better you’ll retain information and make progress.
Can I Continue After Completing a Class?
If you enjoy your first set of lessons and would like to continue, we are of course happy to schedule the next level, provided that we have a minimum of three students who would like to enroll. It’s often the case that a group decides to continue as a whole, or sometimes a new student at the appropriate level will join.
How do I Enroll?
To enroll, just visit our Online Classes Page, and fill in the form at the bottom of the page to choose language and section. You can also visit the individual language pages to see which sections and levels are currently being offered.