Frühling: Talking about Spring in German
In this post, we’ll learn vocabulary expressions that you can use to talk about spring in German. First, we’ll learn some general vocabulary that you can use to welcome the season. Next, we’ll see some expressions that you can use to talk about spring weather and longer days. After that we’ll see some expressions that you can use to talk about a spring mood. Finally, we’ll end with expressions and vocabulary to talk about the natural world during the spring.
Der Frühling ist da! Spring is here!
At long last, das kalte Wetter the cold weather and die kurzen Tage the short days of winter are over, at least in the northern hemisphere. Even if other things going on in the world are not very happy, at least we have the spring to enjoy. And that means das Wetter ist wärmer the weather is warmer, die Tage sind länger the days are longer, die Sonne scheint mehr there’s more sunlight, and of course es gibt schöne Blumen there are beautiful flowers. So, let’s cover some happy, bright vocabulary to help you talk about the spring in German.
Die Tage sind wärmer. The days are warmer.
The best thing about spring is probably das schöne Wetter the nice weather and der Sonnenschein the sunshine. Hopefully you’ll find plenty of occasions to say:
- Das Wetter ist schön.
The weather is nice. - Es ist warm heute.
It’s warm today. - Heute scheint die Sonne.
It’s sunny today. - Der Himmel ist blau.
The sky is blue. - Die Sonne scheint.
The sun is shining.
Die Tage sind länger. The days are longer.
Every year Wir stellen die Uhren vor we turn the clocks ahead and we immediately have an hour more of sunlight. Which of course means:
- Wir haben mehr Tageslicht.
We have more daylight. - Die Nächte sind kürzer.
The night is shorter. - Die Sonne geht später unter.
The sun sets later. - Die Sonne geht früher auf.
The sun rises earlier.
Even if that last one isn’t technically true, it seems that way. And spring is as much an attitude as anything else. Speaking of which…
Ich bin glücklich! I am happy!
It’s no exaggeration that many people’s moods change in the spring. Everything is brighter and happier, so you might want to say:
- Ich habe heute gute Laune.
I’m in a good mood today. - Ich freue mich, weil es Frühling ist.
I’m happy because it’s spring. - Ich habe mehr Energie.
I have more energy. - Ich fühle mich super.
I feel great.
die Natur: nature
How about die Natur nature? In the spring you probably want to talk about die Vögel the birds, die Blumen the flowers, and die grünen Blätter the green leaves.
- Die Blumen blühen.
The flowers are blooming. - Die Blätter keimen.
Leaves are budding. - Die Vögel singen.
The birds are singing. - Die Luft ist frisch.
The air is fresh.
Even if things are difficult this year, thinking about spring will hopefully bring ein Lächeln a smile to your face.
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