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Swahili Vocabulary for the Home

Nyumbani: At Home: Swahili Vocabulary for the Home

In this post you’ll learn some basic Swahili vocabulary for the home. First, you’ll learn general vocabulary for rooms in Swahili. Then you’ll move on to learn more Swahili vocabulary for the kitchen. Next you’ll learn Swahili vocabulary for the living room. Then you’ll learn Swahili vocabulary for the bathroom. And finally you’ll learn some Swahili vocabulary for the bedroom. Learning this basic vocabulary with help you be able to talk about everyday life at home.

Rooms in Swahili and Other Basic Swahili Vocabulary for the Home

Let’s start with rooms in Swahili and Swahili vocabulary for other things related to the home: nyumba house; ghorofa apartment; chumba room; sebule living room; jikoni kitchen; bafu bathroom; chumba cha kulala bedroom; chumba cha maankuli dining room; ghorofa ya chini basement; darini attic; njia ya kuendesha gari driveway; dirisha window; ukuta wall; dari ceiling; sakafu floor; mlango door.

  • Naenda nyumbani.
    I’m going home.
  • Tuko nyumbani. Hatuko nyumbani.
    We are home. / We aren’t home.
  • Je, unaishi kwa nyumba ya ghorofa?
    Do you live in an apartment?
  • Kuna vyumba vingapi kwa nyumba yako/ghorofa.
    How many rooms are there in your house/apartment?
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Swahili Vocabulary for the Kitchen

Now let’s focus on Swahili vocabulary for the kitchen (jikoni): jokofu refrigerator; jiko stove, cooker, fireplace; tanuri oven; sinki sink; mashini ya kuosha vyombo dishwasher: kabati cupboard; meza table; droo drawer; uma fork; kisu knife; kijiko spoon; sahani plate; bakuli bowl; kikombe cup; bilauri glass; kitambaa napkin.

  • Nina jikoni ndogo.
    I have a small kitchen.
  • Ninapika jikoni.
    I cook in the kitchen.
  • Chakula kiko katika jokofu.
    The food is in the refrigerator.
  • Kuna meza na viti sita kwa chumba cha maankuli.
    There are a table and six chairs in the dining room.
  • Tunakula kwa chumba cha maankuli.
    We eat dinner in the dining room.

Swahili Vocabulary for the Living Room

Now let’s move on to Swahili vocabulary for the living room (sebule): sofa sofa; runinga/televisheni television; pazia curtain; zulia carpet, rug; rafu ya vitabu bookshelf; taa lamp.

  • Kuna sofa na viti viwili  kwenye sebule.
    There is a sofa and two chairs in the living room.
  • Tunatazama runinga kwenye sebule.
    We are watching TV in the living room.

Vocabulary for the Bedroom

Here is some Swahili vocabulary for the bedroom (chumba cha kulala): kitanda bed; mto pillow; blanketi blanket; shuka sheet; dawati desk.

  • Nalala  chumbani mwangu.
    I sleep in my bedroom.
  • Nina dawati katika chumba changu cha kulala.
    I have a desk in my bedroom.
  • Nina taa kwenye dawati langu.
    There is a lamp on the desk.

Swahili Vocabulary for the Bathroom

And finally, let’s see some Swahili vocabulary for the bathroom (bafu): msalani toilet; sinki bathroom sink; mfreji wa kuogea shower; hodhi bathtub, bathroom: taulo towel; karatasi ya choo toilet paper; mswaki toothbrush; dawa ya meno toothpaste; sabuni soap; shampu shampoo; brashi brush; kichana comb; wembe razor.

  • Wapi bafu?
    Where is the bathroom?
  • Naoga katika bafu.
    I take a shower in the bathroom.
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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some Swahili vocabulary for the home, including Swahili vocabulary for the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and the bedroom. If you’d like to learn more, check out our other posts on Swahili language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live Swahili lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage Swahili. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work. We can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

Photo by Kara Eads on Unsplash