Korea’s Dongji Festival
Korea’s Dongji Festival: A Celebration of the Winter Solstice Korea’s 동지 Dongji Festival, also known as the Winter Solstice Festival, is one of Korea’s most ancient celebrations. It marks the…
Korea’s Dongji Festival: A Celebration of the Winter Solstice Korea’s 동지 Dongji Festival, also known as the Winter Solstice Festival, is one of Korea’s most ancient celebrations. It marks the…
The Seoul Lantern Festival: 서울빛초롱축제 Seoul Bit Cholong Chugje The Seoul Lantern Festival (서울빛초롱축제 Seoul Bit Cholong Chugje) is a spectacular annual event held in November or December. This festival…
In this post we'll cover essential Korean vocabulary and phrases for travel. 즐거운 여행 되세요!