You are currently viewing 좋아해요!   jo-ahaeyo! I Like It! Talking about Likes and Interests in Korean

좋아해요!   jo-ahaeyo! I Like It! Talking about Likes and Interests in Korean

Image: allybally4b on Pixabay

In this post we’ll take a look at Korean vocabulary, expressions, and grammar related to talking about what you like, what you find interesting, and what you’re really into doing.

초콜릿을 좋아해요.  chokollis-eul jo-ahaeyo. I like chocolate.

If you’re talking about things or people that you like, use the verb 좋아하다 (좋아해요/좋아합니다) jo-ahada (jo-ahaeyo/jo-ahamnida).

  • 초콜릿을/ 바닐라를 좋아해요.  
    chokollis-eul/ banilla-reul jo-ahaeyo.

    I like chocolate/vanilla.
  • 책을/영화를 좋아해요.  
    chaeg-eul/yeonghwa-reul jo-ahaeyo.

    I like books/movies.
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  • 타이 음식을 좋아해요?
    tai eumshig-eul jo-ahaeyo?

    Do you like Thai food?
  • (그는) 버섯을/양파를/마늘을 좋아해요.  
    (geun-neun) beoseos-eul/yangpa-reul/maneul-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    He likes mushrooms/onion/garlic.
  • (그녀는) 이 노래를 좋아해요.  
    (geunyeo-neun) i nolae-reul jo-ahaeyo.

    She likes this song.
  • 아이들은 새로운 선생님을 좋아해요.  
    aideul-eun saeloun seonsaengnim-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    The kids like their new teacher.
  • 이 가수를 좋아해요. 이 가수를 좋아해요?  
    i gasu-reul jo-ahaeyo. i gasu-reul jo-ahaeyo?

    I like this singer. Do you like this singer?
  • 너의 형을/누나를/친구를 좋아해요.  
    너의 남동생을/여동생을/친구를 좋아해요.
    neo-e hyeong-eul/nuna-reul/chingu-reul jo-ahaeyo.
    neo-e namdongsaeng-eul/yeodongsaeng-eul/chingu-reul jo-ahaeyo.
    I like your brother/sister/friend.

고양이보다 개를 좋아해요.  goyang-i boda gae-reul deo jo-ahaeyo. I like dogs more than cats.

If you want to say that you like A more than B, use the verb 선호하다  seonhohada to prefer, or Y보다 X 좋아해요.  Y-boda X-leul deo jo-ahaeyo. to like X more than Y. Note that the order of X and Y is reversed in Korean compared to English.

  • 초콜릿을 선호해요.
    chokollis-eul seonhohaeyo.

    I prefer chocolate.
  • 바닐라보다 초콜릿을 선호해요.  
    banilla-boda chokollis-eul seonhohaeyo.

    I like chocolate more than vanilla.
  • 고양이보다 개를 좋아해요.
    goyangi boda gae-reul deo jo-ahaeyo.

    I like dogs more than cats.
  • 개를 선호해요.  
    gae-leul seonhohaeyo.

    I prefer dogs.
  • 파스타보다 피자를 좋아해요.  
    paseuta-boda pijaleul deo jo-ahaeyo.

    We like pizza more than pasta.
  • (우리는) 타이 음식을 선호해요.  
    (uri-neun) tai eumsig-eul seonhohaeyo.

    We prefer Thai food.

요리하는 것을 좋아해요. yolihaneun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo. I like to cook.

If you’re talking about things that you like to do, use the verb 좋아하다  jo-ahada with the gerund, formed by adding -neun geos to the verb stem. But you’ll need to also add the direct object particle.. So “I like to X” is X- 것을 좋아해요  X-neun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo. You can also use the construction X- 싶어요  X-go ship-eoyo to express want to X.

  • 읽는 것을/여행하는 것을/TV 보는 것을 좋아해요.
    igneun geos-eul/yeohaenghaneun geos-eul/TV boneun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    I like to read/travel/watch TV.
  • 외국어 배우는 것을 좋아해요.
    oegug-eo baeuneun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    I like to learn foreign languages.
  • 자전거 타는 것을/수영하는 것을/ 하이킹 가는 것을 좋아해요.
    jajeongeo taneun geos-eul/suyeonghaneun geos-eul/ haiking ganeun geos-eul joh-ahaeyo.

    I like to ride my bike/swim/go hiking.
  • (그녀는) 아침에 운동하는 것을 좋아해요.  
    (geunyeo-neun) achim-e undonghaneun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    She likes to work out in the morning.
  • (그는) 일요일에 늦잠 자는 것을 좋아해요.
    (geu-neun) il-yoil-e neuj-jam janeun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    He likes to sleep late on Sundays.
  • (우리는) 함께 영화 보는 것을 좋아해요.  
    (uli-neun) hamkke yeonghwa boneun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    We like to watch movies together.
  • (그들은) 정치에 대해 논쟁하는 것을 좋아해요.
    (geudeul-eun) jeongchi-e daehae nonjaenghaneun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo.

    They like to argue about politics.
  • 하는 것을 좋아해요?  
    mwo haneun geos-eul jo-ahaeyo?

    What do you like to do?
  • 휴가 어디 가고 싶어요?  
    hyuga ttae eodi gago ship-eoyo?
    Where do you like to go on vacation?
  • 어떤 (종류의) 영화를 보고 싶어요?  
    eotteon (jonglyu-e) yeonghwa-reul bogo ship-eoyo?
    What kind of movies do you like to watch?
  • 어떤 (종류의) 음식을 먹고 싶어요?  
    eotteon (jonglyu-e) eumshig-eul meoggo ship-eoyo?

    What kind of food do you like to eat?

공상 과학을 정말 좋아해요.  gongsang gwahag-eul jeongmal jo-ahaeyo. I really like science fiction.

If you really like or love something, use the construction 정말 좋아해요 jeongmal jo-ahaeyo.

  • 개를/고양이를/동물을 정말 좋아해요.  
    gae-reul/goyangi-reul/dongmul-eul jeongmal jo-ahaeyo.

    I love/really like dogs/cats/animals.
  • 따뜻한 날씨를/눈을 정말 좋아해요.  
    ttatteushan nalsshi-reul/nun-eul jeongmal jo-ahaeyo.

    I love/really like warm weather/snow.
  • 에티오피아 음식을 정말 좋아해요.  
    etiopia eumshig-eul jeongmal jo-ahaeyo.

    I love/really like Ethiopian food.
  • 클래식 음악을 정말 좋아해요.  
    keullaeshig eum-ag-eul jeongmal jo-ahaeyo.

    He loves/really like classical music.
  • (그녀는) 비디오 게임을 정말 좋아해요.
    (geunyeo-neun) bidio geim-eul jeongmal jo-ahaeyo.

    She loves/really like video games.

새로운 식당에 빠졌어요. i saeloun shigdang-e pug ppajyeosseoyo. I’m really into this new restaurant.

Use the construction X 빠졌어요 X-e pug ppajyeosseoyo to express that you’re really into X. X- 미쳐있어요 X-e michyeoisseoyo is similar; it means that you’re crazy about X.

  • 가게에 빠졌어요.
    i gage-e pug ppajyeosseoyo.

    I’m really into this store.
  • (그녀는) 그녀의 차에 빠졌어요.
    (geunyeo-neun) geunyeo-e sae cha-e pug ppajyeosseoyo.

    She’s nuts about her new car.
  • (그는) 하이킹에/스키에/달리기에 완전 빠졌어요.
    (geu-neun) haiking-e/seuki-e/dalligi-e wanjeon ppajyeosseoyo.

    He’s really into hiking/skiing/running.
  • 캠핑에 미쳐있어요.
    kaemping-e michyeoisseoyo.

    I’m really into camping.
  • (그는) 오토바이에 미쳐있어요.
    (geu-neun) otobai-e michyeoisseoyo.

    He’s crazy about motorcycles.

우리 엄마를 사랑해요. uli eomma-reul salanghaeyo. I love my mother.

To talk about loving a person in a non-romantic way, use the verb 사랑해요 salanghaeyo.

  • 우리 엄마를/아빠를 사랑해요.  
    uli eomma-reul/appa-reul salanghaeyo.

    I love my mother/father.
  • 손주들을 사랑해요.
    sonjudeul-eul salanghaeyo.

    They love their grandchildren.
  • (그는)여동생을/누나를 사랑해요.
    (geuneun) yeodongsaeng-eul/nuna-reul salanghaeyo.

    He loves his sister.
  • (그녀는) 친구들을 사랑해요.
    (geunyeo-neun) chingudeul-eul salanghaeyo.

    She loves her friends.

사랑해. saranghae. I love you.

The verb 사랑해 saranghae is also used to express romantic love.

  • 사랑해

    I love you.
  • 나의 아내를 사랑해요.  
    na-e anae-reul salanghaeyo.

    I love my wife.
  • 나의 남편을 사랑해요.  
    na-e nampyeon-eul salanghaeyo.

    I love my husband.
  • 그들은 서로를 많이 사랑해요.  
    geudeul-eun seolo-reul mani salanghaeyo.

    They love each other very much.

언어는 재미있어요.  eon-eoneun jaemiisseoyo. Languages are interesting.

There are all sorts of other ways to express that you like something.

  • 이 책은 정말 좋아요/ 멋져요.  
    i chaeg-eun jeongmal jo-ayo/ meotjyeoyo.
    This book is really good/cool.
  • 언어는 재미있어요.
    eon-eo-neun jaemi isseoyo.

    Languages are interesting.
  • 책이/영화가 재미있어요.
     chaeg-i/yeonghwaga jaemi isseoyo.

    Books/films are interesting.
  • 책이 영화보다 재미있다고 생각해요.  
    chaeg-i yeonghwaboda jaemi itdago saeng-gaghaeyo.

    I think that books are more interesting than films.
  • 스키는 신나요.
    seukineun sinnayo.

    Skiing is exciting.
  • 여행은 매력적이에요.  여행이 매력적이라고 생각해요.  
    yeohaeng-eun maelyeogjeog-ieyo. yeohaeng-i maelyeogjeog-ilago saeng-gaghaeyo.

    Traveling is fascinating. I think traveling is fascinating.
  • 자전거 타는 것은 재미있어요. (나는) 자전거 타는 것을 즐겨요.
    jajeongeo taneun geos-eun jaemi isseoyo. (naneun) jajeongeo taneun geos-eul jeulgyeoyo.

    Biking is fun. I really enjoy biking.
  • 영화는 재미있어요.
    yeonghwaneun jaemi isseoyo.

    Films are entertaining/interesting.
  • 이 작가는 대단해요. 그녀의 책들은 대단해요.  
    i jagganeun daedanhaeyo. geunyeo-e chaegdeul-eun daedanhaeyo.
    This writer is amazing. Her books are incredible.
  • 이 식당은 정말 좋아요. 여기 음식은 정말 맛있어요.
    i shigdang-eun jeongmal jo-ayo. yeogi eumshig-eun jeongmal mashisseoyo.
    This restaurant is great. The food here is exquisite/delicious.
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