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Estou com Medo! I’m Scared! Portuguese Vocabulary for Halloween

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Halloween is around the corner, so to help get you in the mood for os fantasmas (ghosts) and os bruxos / as bruxas (witches), let’s look at some Portuguese vocabulary for Halloween.

Things that go bump in the night.

Você vai usar uma fantasia de Halloween este ano?  Are you wearing a Halloween costume this year? Kids aren’t the only ones who wear as fantasias (costumes). Some of the classics are uma múmia  (a mummy), um lobisomem  (a werewolf), um(a) zumbi (a zombie), um monstro  (a monster), um(a) diabo(a) (a devil), or um(a) vampiro(a)  (a vampire). But uma fantasia de medo (a scary costume) is not your only option. You could also be um espantalho (a scarecrow), um(a) feiticeiro(a) (a sorcerer), uma fada (a fairy), uma princesa (a princess), um pirata (a pirate), or um personagem do cinema (character from a movie).

  • Como você vai fantasiado(a) neste halloween? 
    What are you dressing as this Halloween?
  • A sua fantasia é ótima! 
    Your costume looks great!
  • A sua fantasia é muito criativa! 
    Your costume is very creative!
  • A sua fantasia é muito assustadora! 
    Your costume is scary!
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Para Crianças: For Kids

Kids love to go trick-or-treating.  They walk around their neighborhood and elas batem nas portas (they knock on doors). When someone answers, they hold up their os sacos (bags) and ask for os doces (candy). If the person doesn’t give the kids candy, beware of the trick! Since no one needs to give kids any more ideas about a travessura (mischief), we’ll leave that to your imagination. É melhor prevenir do que remediar!  (Better safe than sorry! “Better to prevent than to fix.)” Best to just make sure you have enough candy.

  • O menino / a menina está segurando um saco cheio de doces. 
    The boy/girl is holding a bag full of candy.
  • Qual o seu doce preferido?
    What’s your favorite candy?
  • Eu amo chocolate.
    I love chocolate.
  • Eu preguei uma peça em você. 
    I played a trick on you.

Para Adultos: For Adults

Halloween isn’t just for kids. Adults also like to get dressed up. Do you wear your fantasia (costume) to work? Or maybe you go to uma festa (a party) where everyone is dressed up. Even if you don’t go to any parties, you probably get uma abóbora (a pumpkin) for a jack-o-lantern. You’ll carve uma cara (a face) into it, and put uma vela (a candle) inside so the face glows.

  • Nós vamos a uma festa à fantasia.
    We’re going to a costume party.
  • Vamos comprar uma abóbora no fim de semana.
    Let’s buy a pumpkin this weekend.

Estou com Medo! I’m Scared!

Halloween is a great time of year to watch os filmes de horror (horror movies) or maybe visit uma casa mal-assombrada (a haunted house). It’s fun to gritar (scream), as long as os pesadelos (nightmares) aren’t too bad. Now that summer is over and a noite (the night) is longer, it’s the perfect time to visit os lugares arrepiantes (eerie places), places for some good Halloween fun. Walk through a floresta (the woods) no escuro (in the dark), take a shortcut through no cemitério (the graveyard), visit that a casa abandonada (abandoned house) where you know there are probably no os espíritos do mal (evil spirits). Or at least you hope.

  • Este lugar é mal-assombrado! 
    This place is spooky!
  • Vamos assistir a um filme de horror.
    Let’s watch a horror film.
  • Tive um pesadelo ontem a noite. 
    I had a nightmare last night.
  • Estou arrepiado(a)!
    I have goosebumps!
  • Ouço um barulho estranho! 
    I hear a strange noise!
  • Você(s) acredita(m) em fantasmas?
    Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Vamos caminhar pela floresta no escuro.
    Let’s walk through the woods in the dark.

Whatever you do for Halloween, Tome(m) cuidado e divirta(m)-se! Stay safe and have fun!

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