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Ciao! Italian Greetings and Survival Expressions

Ciao! This post is a free sample of a lesson from our online Italian course. The beginner’s course includes all of the vocabulary from our basic mini-lessons, with full audio support by native speakers. The online course also includes simple explanations of basic Italian grammar, plenty of examples, and loads of practice exercises, quizzes, and games. You can check out sample lessons or enroll in the online course here.

Let’s learn some basic Italian greetings and survival expressions in Italian.

Ciao! Hello! Basic Italian Greetings

Let’s start with basic Italian greetings. Click on the audio icon to hear this section.

  • Ciao. Hello. Hi.
  • Buongiorno. Good morning.
  • Buon pomeriggio. Have a good afternoon. (more formal)
  • Buonasera. Good evening.
  • Buona notte. Good night.
  • Arrivederci. Good-bye.

A presto! See You Soon!

Here are a few more friendly expressions that you might want to be able to use.

  • A presto. See you soon.
  • Ci vediamo dopo See you later.
  • Ci vediamo domani. See you tomorrow.
  • Piacere. Nice to meet you.
  • Dormi bene! Sleep well!

Come Stai? How Are You?

Courtesy expressions are an important part of using Italian greetings and survival expressions. Let’s see a few that you can use when you meet someone or want to be polite.

  • Come stai? Come sta?
    How are you? (informal, formal)
  • Sto bene.
    I’m fine.
  • Grazie.
    Thank you.
  • Prego.
    You’re welcome.
  • Per favore.
  • Mi scusi/scusa.
    Excuse me.
  • Scusa!/Mi dispiace!
  • Come ti chiami? Come si chiama?
    What is your name? (informal, formal)
  • Mi chiamo…
    My name is…
  • Di dove sei? Di dov’è Lei?
    Where are you from? (informal, formal)
  • Sono di…
    I’m from…
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Non Capisco! I Don’t Understand!

Now let’s turn to some helpful survival expressions that you can use as you learn Italian.

  • Non parlo italiano.
    I don’t speak Italian.
  • Parli inglese? Lei parla inglese?
    Do you speak English?
  • Non capisco.
    I don’t understand.
  • Parlo un po’ d’italiano.
    I speak a little Italian.
  • Sto imparando l’italiano.
    I’m learning Italian.
  • Capisco un po’ l’italiano.
    I understand a little Italian.
  • Ripeti. Ripeta.
    Please repeat.
  • Per favore scrivilo.
    Please write that.
  • Come si dice… in italiano?
    How do you say… in Italian?
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Do You Want to Learn Italian?

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some Italian greetings and survival expressions. If you’d like to learn more, check out our other posts on Italian language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live Italian lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work – we can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

Image by Yenni Vance from Pixabay