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Giving Opinions in Korean

동의해요?  donguihaeyo? Do you agree? Giving Opinions, Agreeing, and Disagreeing in Korean

In this post we’ll learn how to give opinions in Korean. That means that we’ll cover some Korean vocabulary and expressions that you can use to express your opinion, ask about other people’s opinions, agree, or disagree with someone. First we’ll look learn some expressions that you can use to ask others for their opinions. Then we’ll learn how to say that you like something. Next, we’ll look at expressions you can use to say that you don’t like something. After that we’ll see expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Finally, we’ll end with ways to say that you think someone is making a good point, or not such a good point.

영화에 대해 어떻게 생각해요?  i yeonghwa-e daehae eotteohge saenggakhaeyo? What do you think of this film?

Let’s start with some questions that you can ask to find out other people’s opinions.

  • 영화를/ 책을 좋아해요?
    i yeonghwa-reul/ chaeg-eul johahaeyo?

    Do you like this film/ this book?
  • 노래에/그림에 대해 어떻게 생각해요?
    i norae-e/geurim-e daehae eotteohge saenggakhaeyo?

    What do you think of this song/ this painting?
  • 주제에 대해 어떻게 생각해요?
    i juje-e daehae eotteohge saenggakhaeyo?

    What’s your opinion on this topic?
  • 나와 동의해요?
    na-wa donguihaeyo?

    Do you agree with me?
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  • 기사에 대해 어떻게 생각해요?
    i gisa-e daehae eotteohge saenggakhaeyo?

    What did you think of the article?
  • 파티가/수업이 어땠나요?
    i pati-ga/sueob-i eottaetnayo?
    How did you like the party/ the class?
  • 식당을/책을 추천해요?
    i shikdang-eul/chaeg-eul chucheonhaeyo?

    Do you recommend this restaurant/ this book?
  • 그렇게 느껴요?
    wae geureohge neukkyeoyo?

    Why do you feel that way?
  • (–) 의견을 설명해 줄래요?
    (–sshi)-ui uigyeoneul seolmyeonghae jullaeyo?

    Can you explain your opinion?
  • 어떤 점이 좋아요? 좋아요
    eotteon jeomi johayo? wae johayo? 

    What do you like about it? Why do you like it?
  • 어떤 점이 좋지 않아요? 좋아요?
    eotteon jeomi johji anhayo? wae an johayo?

    What don’t you like about it? Why don’t you like it?

영화가 정말 좋았어요.  yeonghwa-ga jeongmal johasseoyo. I liked the film very much.

Now let’s look at some expressions that you can use to express that you like something. Some vocabulary that might come in handy is: 정말 좋은 jeongmal joheunreally good, 훌륭한/멋진 hullyunghan/meosjingreat, 흥미로운 heungmirouninteresting, 매력적인 maeryeokjeoginfascinating, 매우 즐거운 maeu jeulgeounvery enjoyable, 원래의, 원본 wonraeui, wonbonoriginal, 논리적인 nonrijeoginlogical.

  • 영화는 정말 좋았어요/ 훌륭해요.
    i yeonghwa-neun jeongmal johasseoyo/ hullyunghaeyo.

    This film was really good/ great.
  • 식당은 훌륭했어요./환상적이었어요.
    shikdang-eun hullyunghaesseoyo. / hwansangjeogieosseoyo.

    The restaurant was wonderful/ fantastic.
  • 나는 파티에서 정말 좋은 시간을 보냈어요.
    na-neun pati-eseo jeongmal joheun shigan-eul bonaesseoyo.

    I had a great time at the party.
  • 책이 흥미로웠다고 생각했어요.
    chaeg-i heungmirowossdago saenggakhaesseoyo.

    I thought the book was fascinating.
  • 나는 기사가 정말 흥미로웠어요.
    na-neun gisa-ga jeongmal heungmirowosseoyo.

    I found the article really interesting.
  • 나는 노래가 정말 좋다고 생각해요.
    na-neun i norae-ga jeongmal johdago saenggakhaeyo.

    I think that this song is really good.

영화가 좋지 않았어요.  i yeonghwa-ga johji anhasseoyo.  I really didn’t like this film at all.

Now let’s look at some expressions that you can use to express that you don’t like something. Some vocabulary that might come in handy is: 정말 나쁜/ 좋은 jeongmal nappeun/ an joheunreally bad, 끔찍한 kkeumjjikhanterrible, awful 지루한 jiruhanboring, 원본이 아닌 wonboni aninunoriginal, 비논리적인 binonrijeoginillogical.

  • 영화는 정말 좋았어요/ 끔찍했어요.
    geu yeonghwa-neun jeongmal an johasseoyo/ kkeumjjikhaesseoyo.

    The film was really bad/ awful.
  • 식당은 끔찍했어요.
    geu shikdang-eun kkeumjjikhaesseoyo.

    The restaurant was terrible.
  • 파티는 지루했어요.
    geu pati-neun jiruhaesseoyo.

    The party was boring.
  • (나는) 책이 독창적이지 않다고 생각했어요.
    (na-neun) chaeg-i dokchangjeogiji anhdago saenggakhaesseoyo.

    I thought the book was unoriginal.
  • (나는) 기사가 비논리적이라고 생각했어요.
    (na-neun) gisa-ga binonrijeogirago saenggakhaesseoyo.

    I found the article really illogical.
  • 노래가 끔찍하다고 생각해요.
    i norae-ga kkeumjjikhadago saenggakhaeyo.

    I think that this song is terrible.
  • 나는 그를/그녀를/ 노래를/ 장소를 견딜 없어요.
    na-neun geur-eul/geunyeo-reul/i norae-reul/i jangso-reul gyeondil su eopseoyo.

    I can’t stand him/ her/ this song/ this place.

동의해요.  donguihaeyo. I agree with you.

Here are some expressions that you can use to show that you agree or disagree with someone.

  • (우리는) 동의해요. (나는) (–)/그것에 동의해요.
    (uri-neun) donguihaeyo.
    (na-neun) (–sshi)-wa/geugeos-e donguihaeyo.
    We agree. I agree with you/ that.
  • 우리는 동의하지 않아요.
    uri-neun donguihaji anhayo.

    We disagree.
  • (–) 맞아요. (–)이완전 맞아요.
    (–sshi)-i majayo. (–sshi)-i wanjeon majayo.
    You’re right. You’re absolutely right.
  • (–) 틀렸어요. (–) 완전 틀렸어요.
    (–sshi)-neun teullyeosseoyo.  (–sshi)-neun wanjeon teullyeosseoyo.

    You’re wrong. You’re totally wrong.
  • 나는 책에/영화에 대해 (–) 같이 느껴요
    na-neun i chaek-e/yeonghwa-e daehae (–sshi)-wa gati neukkyeoyo. 
    I feel the same way as you about this book/ film.
  • 나는 노래에/ 작가에 대해 다르게 느껴요.
    naneun i norae-e/i jakga-e daehae dareuge neukkyeoyo.

    I feel differently about this song/ writer.
  • 나는 그것에 대해 같은 의견이에요.
    na-neun geug-eose daehae gateun uigyeonieyo.

    I have the same opinion about it.
  • 나는 그것에 대해 다른 의견이에요.
    na-neun geug-eose daehae dareun uigyeonieyo.

    I have a different opinion about it.

말이 되네요.  mari doeneyo. That makes a lot of sense.

Here are some expressions and vocabulary that you can use if you think someone is making a good point.

  • 그것은 정말 좋은 지적이에요.
    geugeos-eun jeongmal joheun jijeogieyo.

    That’s a really good point.
  • 말이 되네요.
    mari doeneyo.

    That makes a lot of sense.
  • 완전히 논리적이네요.
    wanjeonhi nonrijeogineyo.

    That’s completely logical.
  • 그것은(–) 의견을 증명해요.
    geugeos-eun (–sshi)-ui uigyeoneul jeungmyeonghaeyo.

    That proves your point/ opinion.
  • 그녀는 정말 좋은 예를 들었어요.
    geunyeo-neun jeongmal joheun yereul deureosseoyo.

    She gave really good examples.
  • 그는 그의 주장을 뒷받침하기위해 많은 조사를 했어요.
    geu-neun geu-ui jujangeul dwisbatchimhagiwihae manheun josareul haesseoyo.

    He did a lot of research to support his claim.
  • 기사가/인터뷰가 마음을 바꾸었어요.
    i gisa-ga/inteobyu-ga nae maeumeul bakkueosseoyo.

    The article/ The interview changed my mind.
  • 그것은 아주 설득력 있는/강한 주장이에요.
    geugeos-eun aju seoldeukryeok itneun/ganghan jujangieyo.

    That’s very a convincing/ strong argument.

그것은 말이 안되요! geugeo-seun mari andoeyo! That makes no sense!

  • 그것은 정말 좋은 예입니다.
    geugeo-seun jeongmal an joheun yeimnida.

    That’s a really bad example.
  • 그것은 말이 안되요.
    geugeo-seun mari andoeyo.

    That makes no sense.
  • 그것은 완전히 비논리적이에요.
    geugeo-seun wanjeonhi binonrijeogieyo.

    That’s totally illogical.
  • (–) 는요점을 증명하지 못하고 있어요.
    (–sshi)-neun yojeomeul jeungmyeonghaji mot-hago isseoyo.

    You’re not proving your point.
  • (–) 말하는 것에 대한 예가 없어요.
    (–sshi)-i malhaneun geos-e daehan yega eopseoyo.
    You have no examples of what you’re saying.
  • (–) 주장을 뒷받침할 증거가 없어요.
    (–sshi)-ui jujangeul dwitbatchimhal jeunggeoga eopseoyo.

    There’s no evidence that supports your claim.
  • 그것은 말이 안되요./ 터무니없어요./ 어리석어요. / 바보 같아요.
    geugeos-eun mari andoeyo./ teomunieopseoyo./ eoriseogeoyo. / babo gatayo.
    That’s ridiculous / absurd / idiotic.
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