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How to Tell Time and Give Dates in Korean

몇 시예요?  myeot shiyeyo? What Time is It? How to Tell Time and Give Dates in Korean

In this post we’ll learn how to tell time in Korean, how to give dates in Korean, and how to talk about days and months in Korean. First we’ll start with Korean vocabulary related to the time of day. Then you’ll learn how to tell time in Korean. Next you’ll learn the days of the week in Korean as well as the months of the year. Finally, you’ll learn how to give dates in Korean.

, nat, bam: Day, Night

Let’s start with some basic vocabulary related to time of day: 낮 nat day; 밤 bam night; 아침 achim morning; 오후ohu afternoon; 저녁 jeonyeok evening.

  • 이른/늦은 시간이에요.
    ireun/neujeun shiganieyo.
    It’s early/late.
  • 나는 밤에 잔다.
    na-neun bam-e janda.
    I sleep at night.
  • 나는 낮에 일한다.
    na-neun naj-e ilhanda.
    I work during the day.
  • 우리는 저녁에 책을 읽는다.
    uri-neun jeonyeog-e chaeg-eul ilkneunda.

    We read in the evening.
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How to tell time in Korean: 몇 시예요?  myeot shiyeyo? What time is it?

To ask what time it is, use 몇 시예요?  myeot shiyeyo? The answer will follow the format ___시예요. ___shiyeyo. (it is ___ o’clock.) You’ll use Native Korean numbers for the hour, but note that the numbers 하나 hana (one), 둘 dul (two), 셋set (three), and 넷 net (four) are shortened when they’re attached to shi (hour): 한시 hanshi, 두시 dushi, 세시 seshi, 네시 neshi. You can use 반 ban to mean half-past, or the number삼십 samship thirty. Just remember that if you give minutes, you should use Sino-Korean numbers with the counter 분 bun. (If you’re unfamiliar with Native Korean and Sino-Korean numbers, check out this post.)

The Days of the Week in Korean

The days of the week in Korean are: 월요일woryoil Monday; 화요일 hwayoil Tuesday; 수요일 suyoil Wednesday; 목요일 mogyoil Thursday; 금요일 geumyoil Friday; 토요일 toyoil Saturday; 일요일 iryoil Sunday. Some other key vocabulary is: 오늘 oneul today, 내일 naeil tomorrow, 어제eoje yesterday, 오늘 저녁 jeonyeog tonight, ju the week, 주말 jumal the weekend.

Other Korean Time Expressions

Some other important vocabulary to know when you’re talking about dates and times are: ju week; dal month, () hae(nyeon) year.

Months in Korean and How to Give Dates in Korean

The months of the year are: 일월 irwol January, 이월 iwol  February, 삼월 samwol March, 사월 sawol April, 오월 owol May, 유월 yuwol  June, 칠월 chirwol July, 팔월 parwol August, 구월 guwol September, 시월shiwol October, 십일월 shibirwol November, 십이월 shibiwol December.  Notice that the months in Korean are simply the Sino-Korean numbers attached to –월 -wol.

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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning how to tell time in Korean, how to give dates in Korean, and how to talk about days and months in Korean. If you want to learn more, check out our other posts on Korean language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live Korean lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work – we can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

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