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Korean Family Terms

Korean Family Terms: 가족 gajog

In this post, we’ll learn Korean family terms so that you can build your Korean vocabulary to talk about your가족 gajog  family.

가족은 대가족이에요?  gajog-eun daegajog-ieyo? Do you have a big family?

First, let’s build your Korean vocabulary by starting with some basic Korean family terms:: 엄마 / 어머니 eomma / eomeoni mom / mother; 아빠 / 아버지 appa / abeoji dad / father, 형 hyeong older brother, said by male; 오빠  oppa older brother, said by female; 남동생 namdongsaeng younger brother; 누나 nuna older sister, said by male; 언니 eonni older sister, said by female; 여동생 yeodongsaeng younger sister; 동생 dongsaeng younger sibling;  딸 ttal daughter; 아들 adeul son, 부모 (부모님) bumo (bumonim) parents (polite); 자녀 janyeo children.

  • 나는 소가족이에요/ 대가족이에요.
    na-neun sogajog-ieyo/ daegajog-ieyo.

    I have a big/small family.
  • 우리 엄마는 의사입니다. 우리 아빠는 선생님입니다.
    uli eomma-neun uisa-imnida. uli appaineun seonsaengnim-imnida.

    My mother is a doctor. My father is a teacher.
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  • 형제나 자매가 있어요?
    hyeongjena jamaega isseoyo?

    Do you have brothers or sisters?
  • 언니와 남동생이 있어요.
    eonniwa namdongsaeng-i isseoyo.

    I have one older sister and one younger brother. (said by female speaker)
  • 누나와 남동생이 있어요.
    nunawa namdongsaeng-i isseoyo.

    I have one older sister and one younger brother. (said by male speaker)
  • 세명의 형제가 있어요. 
    se-myeong-e hyeongje-ga isseoyo.
    I have three brothers.
  • 두명의 자매가 있어요. 
    du-myeong-e jamaega isseoyo.
    I have two sisters.
  • 나는 외동입니다.
    na-neun oedong-imnida.
    I am an only child.
  • 자녀가 있어요?
    janyeo-ga isseoyo?

    Do you have any children?
  • 우리는 아들과 딸이 있어요.
    uli-neun adeulgwa ttal-i isseoyo.

    We have a son and a daughter.
  • 가족에서 누가 첫째예요? 
    gajog-eseo nuga cheosjjaeyeyo?
    Who is the oldest child in your family?
  • 가족에서 누가 막내예요?
    gajog-eseo nuga magnaeyeyo?
    Who is the youngest child in your family?

이분은 저의 고모입니다.  ibun-eun jeo-e gomo-imnida. This is my aunt.

Now let’s build your Korean vocabulary by looking at some extended Korean family terms:: 친척 chincheog relatives; 조부모님 jobumonim grandparents; 할머니 halmeoni grandmother; 할아버지 halabeoji grandfather; 손자 sonja grandson; 손녀 sonnyeo granddaughter; 고모, 이모, 숙모 gomo, imo, sugmo aunt (father’s sister, mother’s sister, uncle’s wife); 삼촌 samchon uncle; 사촌 sachon cousin; 여자 조카 yeoja joka niece; 남자 조카 namja joka nephew.

  • 얼마나 자주 친척들을 만나요?
    eolmana jaju chincheogdeul-eul mannayo?

    How often do you see your relatives?
  • 조부모님은 어디 사세요?
    jobumonim-eun eodi saseyo?

    Where do you grandparents live?
  • 우리 할머니는 여전히 일하세요. 하지만 우리 할아버지는 은퇴하셨어요.
    uli halmeoni-neun yeojeonhi ilhaseyo. hajiman uli hal-abeoji-neun euntoehasyeosseoyo.

    My grandmother is still working, but my grandfather is retired.
  • 우리는 세명의 손주가 있어요. 손자 한 명과 손녀 두 명.
    uli-neun semyeong-e sonju-ga isseoyo. sonja han myeong-gwa sonnyeo du myeong.

    We have three grandchildren: one grandson and two granddaughters.
  • 우리 숙모와 삼촌은 우리집 근처에 산다.
    uri sukmo-wa samchon-eun urijip geuncheo-e sanda.
    My aunt and uncle live near our house.
  • 나는 사촌이 많아요.
    na-neun sachon-i manayo.

    I have a lot of cousins.
  • 내 조카가 대학을 시작했어요.
    nae jokaga daehag-eul shijaghaesseoyo.

    My niece just started university.
  • 나는 네 명의 조카가 있어요.
    naneun ne myeong-e joka-ga is-eoyo.

    I have four nephews.

Now let’s learn some Korean vocabulary related to marriage. Some key vocabulary to know is: 아내, 부인 anae, bu-in wife; 남편 nampyeon husband; 결혼하다  gyeolhonhada  to get married; 이혼하다 ihonhada to get divorced; 싱글/ 독신 shinggeul/ dogshin unmarried; 미혼 mihon unmarried. Let’s see some examples.

  • 결혼했어요 아니며 미혼이에요?
    gyeolhonhaesseoyo animyeo mihon-ieyo?
    Are you married or single?
  • 남편은/아내는 직업이 무엇입니까?
    nampyeon-eun/anae-neun jigeob-i mueoshimnikka?
    What does your wife/husband do for a living?
  • 언제 결혼했어요?
    eonje gyeolhonhaesseoyo?
    When did you get married?
  • 우리는 결혼한지 20년 되었어요. 우리 결혼 기념일은 이번 주말이에요.
    ulineun gyeolhonhanji ishib nyeon doeeoss-eoyo. uli gyeolhon ginyeom-il-eun ibeon jumal-ieyo.
    We’ve been married for twenty years. Our wedding anniversary is this weekend.
  • 나의 아내는 임신했어요. 두 달 후에 아이가 태어날 거예요.
    na-e anae-neun imshinhaesseoyo. du dal hu-e aiga taeeonal geoyeyo.

    My wife is pregnant. We’re having a baby in two months.
  • 우리 부모님은 이혼하셨다.
    uli bumonim-eun ihonhasyeotda.

    My parents are divorced.

우리는 아기가 있어요. Uli-neun agi-ga isseoyo. We have a baby.

Now let’s look at some vocabulary related to family: 남자친구 namjachingu boyfriend; 여자친구 yeojachingu girlfriend; 아이/ 아기 ai, agi baby; 임신 imshin pregnant; 입양하다 ibyanghada  to adopt; 태어나다 taeeonada to be born; 죽다 (돌아가시다) jugda (dolagashida) dead (deceased, more polite); 살아있는 salaitneun alive; 새아빠 sae-appa stepfather; 새엄마sae-eomma stepmother; 의붓아들 uibut-adeul stepson; 의붓딸 uibut-ttal stepdaughter.

  • 남자친구/여자친구 이름이 뭐예요?
    namjachingu/ yeojachingu ireum-i mwoyeyo?
    What is your boyfriend’s/ girlfriend’s name?
  • 우리는 아이를 입양할 것이다.
    uli-neun ai-leul ibyanghal geoshida.
    We’re going to adopt a child.
  • 나는 입양되었다.
    na-neun ib-yangdoeeotda.
    I was adopted.
  • 아들은/딸은 언제 태어났어요?
    adeul-eun/ttal-eun eonje taeeonasseoyo?
    When was your son/ daughter born?
  • 우리 할머니는 살아 계시지만, 할아버지는 돌아가셨다.
    uli halmeoni-neun sal-a gyesijiman, hal-abeojineun dol-agasyeotda.

    My grandmother is alive, but my grandfather is dead.
  • 새엄마를/의붓아빠를 좋아해요.
    sae-eomma-leul/uibut-appa-leul jo-ahaeyo.
    I like my stepmother/stepfather.
  • 나의 의붓딸은/의붓아들은 우리와 함께 산다.
    naui uibut-ttal-eun/ uibut-adeul-eun uli-wa hamkke sanda.
    My stepdaughter/ stepson lives with us.
  • 우리 가족은 개와 고양이가 있어요.
    uli gajog-eun gae-wa goyangi-ga isseoyo.
    My family has a dog and a cat.
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