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Portuguese Vocabulary for the Home

Em Casa: At Home: Portuguese Vocabulary for the Home

In this post you’ll learn some basic Portuguese vocabulary for the home. First, you’ll learn general vocabulary for rooms in Portuguese. Then you’ll move on to learn more Portuguese vocabulary for the kitchen. Next you’ll learn Portuguese vocabulary for the living room. Then you’ll learn Portuguese vocabulary for the bathroom. And finally you’ll learn some Portuguese vocabulary for the bedroom. Learning this basic vocabulary with help you be able to talk about everyday life at home.

Rooms in Portuguese and Other Portuguese Vocabulary for the Home

Let’s start with vocabulary for rooms in Portuguese and other basic things you’ll see around the home: a casa house; o apartamento apartment; o quarto room; a sala de estar living room; a cozinha kitchen; o banheiro bathroom; o quarto / o dormitório  bedroom; a sala de jantar dining room; o porão  basement; o sótão  attic; a entrada de carro driveway; a janela window; a parede wall; o teto ceiling; o chão  floor; a porta door.

  • Vou para casa.
    I’m going home.
  • Estamos em casa. / Não estamos em casa.
    We are home. / We aren’t home.
  • Você mora em uma casa ou em um apartamento?
    Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  • Quantos quartos há na sua casa / no seu apartamento?
    How many rooms are there in your house/apartment?
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Portuguese Vocabulary for the Kitchen and the Dining Room

Let’s see some Portuguese vocabulary for the kitchen (a cozinha) and the dining room (a sala de jantar): a geladeira refrigerator; o fogão  stove, cooker; o forno oven; a  pia sink; o lava-louça  dishwasher: o armário  cupboard; a mesa table; a gaveta drawer; o garfo fork; a faca knife; a colher spoon; o prato plate; a tigela bowl; a xícara  cup; o copo glass; o guardanapo napkin.

  • Tenho uma cozinha pequena.
    I have a small kitchen.
  • Cozinho na cozinha.
    I cook in the kitchen.
  • A comida está na geladeira.
    The food is in the refrigerator.
  • Há uma mesa e seis cadeiras na sala de jantar.
    There are a table and six chairs in the dining room.
  • Jantamos na sala de jantar.
    We eat dinner in the dining room.

Portuguese Vocabulary for the Living Room

Now let’s move on to some basic Portuguese vocabulary for the living room (a sala de estar): o sofá sofa; a televisão  television; a cortina curtain; o tapete rug; a prateleira (para livros)bookshelf; a lâmpada  lamp.

  • Há um sofá e duas cadeiras na sala de estar.
    There are a sofa and two chairs in the living room.
  • Assistimos televisão na sala de estar.
    We watch TV in the living room.

Vocabulary for the Bedroom

Here is some Portuguese vocabulary for the bedroom (o quarto): a cama bed; o travesseiro pillow; o cobertor blanket; o lençol  sheet; a escrivaninha  desk.

  • Durmo no meu quarto.
    I sleep in my bedroom.
  • Tenho uma escrivaninha no meu quarto.
    I have a desk in my bedroom.
  • Há uma luminária na escrivaninha.
    There is a lamp on the desk.

Vocabulary for the Bathroom

And finally, let’s see some Portuguese vocabulary for the bathroom (o banheiro): a privada toilet; a pia bathroom sink; o chuveiro shower; a banheira bathtub: a toalha towel; o papel higiênico  toilet paper; a escova de dentes toothbrush; a pasta de dentes toothpaste; o sabonete soap; o xampu  shampoo; a escova brush; o pente comb; o barbeador  razor.

  • Onde fica o banheiro?
    Where is the bathroom?
  • Tomo banho / uma ducha no banheiro. 
    I take a shower in the bathroom.
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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some Portuguese vocabulary for the home, including Portuguese vocabulary for the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and the bedroom. If you’d like to learn more, check out our other posts on Portuguese language, Brazilian culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live Portuguese lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage Portuguese. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work. We can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

Image by leemelina08 from Pixabay