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Russian Vocabulary for the Home

Дома: At Home: Russian Vocabulary for the Home

In this post you’ll learn some basic Russian vocabulary for the home. First, you’ll learn general vocabulary for rooms in Russian. Then you’ll move on to learn more Russian vocabulary for the kitchen. Next you’ll learn Russian vocabulary for the living room. Then you’ll learn Russian vocabulary for the bathroom. And finally you’ll learn some Russian vocabulary for the bedroom. Learning this basic vocabulary with help you be able to talk about everyday life at home.

Rooms in Russian and Other Basic Russian Vocabulary for the Home

Let’s start with vocabulary for rooms in Russian and other basic things you’ll see around the home: дом (m) house; квартира (f) apartment; комната (f) room; гостиная (f) living room; кухня (f) kitchen; ванная (f) bathroom; спальня (f) bedroom; столовая (f) dining room; подвал (m) basement; чердак (m) attic; подъездная дорога (f) driveway; окно (n) window; стена (f) wall; потолок (m) ceiling; пол (m) floor; дверь (f) door.

  • Я иду/еду домой. 
    I’m going home.
  • Мы дома./Мы не дома. 
    We are home. / We aren’t home.
  • Вы живёте/ты живёшь в доме или в квартире?
    Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  • Сколько комнат в твоём/вашем доме//в твоей/вашей квартите?
    How many rooms are there in your house/apartment?
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GRAMMAR TIP! The word дом is house in the nominative case, so you’d use it if it’s the subject of a sentence. If you’re going home, use домой [to] home. And if you’re talking about being home, use дома at home. And if you mean in a house, use the prepositional в доме.

Russian Vocabulary for the Kitchen

Now let’s focus on Russian vocabulary of the kitchen (кухня): холодильник (m) refrigerator; плита (f) stove, cooker; духовка (f) oven; раковина (f) sink; посудомоечная машина (f) dishwasher: шкаф (m), кабинет (m) cupboard; стол (m) table; выдвижной ящик (m) drawer; вилка (f) fork; нож (m) knife; ложка (f) spoon; тарелка (f) plate; глубокая тарелка (f), пиала (f) bowl; чашка (f) cup; стакан (m) glass; салфетка (f).

  • У меня маленькая кухня. 
    I have a small kitchen.
  • Я готовлю на кухне. 
    I cook in the kitchen.
  • Еда в холодильнике. 
    The food is in the refrigerator.
  • В столовой (есть) стол и шесть стульев. 
    There are a table and six chairs in the dining room.
  • Мы едим/кушаем ужин в столовой. 
    We eat dinner in the dining room.

GRAMMAR TIP! When you’re talking about location, you typically use the prepositional case after the preposition в: в холодильнике (in the refrigerator); в столовой (in the dining room); в спальне (in the bedroom). But remember that the expression на кухне (in the kitchen) uses the preposition на.

Russian Vocabulary for the Living Room

Here is some Russian vocabulary for the living room (гостиная): диван (m) sofa; телевизор (m) television; штора (f) curtain; коврик (m) rug; книжная полка (f) bookshelf; лампа (f) lamp.

  • В гостиной (есть) диван и два стула. 
    There are a sofa and two chairs in the living room.
  • Мы смотрим телевизор в гостиной. 
    We watch TV in the living room.

Russian Vocabulary for the Bedroom

Here is some Russian vocabulary related to the bedroom (спальня): кровать (f) bed; подушка (f) pillow; одеяло (n) blanket; простыня (f) sheet; письменный стол (m) desk.

  • Я сплю в своей спальне. 
    I sleep in my bedroom.
  • У меня в спальне (есть) письменный стол. 
    I have a desk in my bedroom.
  • Лампа на столе./На столе (есть) лампа. 
    There is a lamp on the desk.

Russian Vocabulary for the Bathroom

And finally, let’s see some vocabulary related to the bathroom (ванная): туалет (m) toilet; раковина (f) bathroom sink; душ (m) shower; ванна (f) bathtub: полотенце (n) towel; туалетная бумага (f) toilet paper; зубная щётка (f) toothbrush; зубная паста (f) toothpaste; мыло (n) soap; шампунь (m) shampoo; щётка (f) brush; расчёска (f) comb; бритва (f) razor.

  • Где ванная?
    Where is the bathroom?
  • Я принимаю душ в ванной. 
    I take a shower in the bathroom.
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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some Russian vocabulary for the home, including Russian vocabulary for the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and the bedroom. If you’d like to learn more, check out our other posts on Russian language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live Russian lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage Russian. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work. We can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

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