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Spring in Italian

La primavera: Talking about Spring in Italian

In this post, we’ll learn vocabulary expressions that you can use to talk about spring in Italian. First, we’ll learn some general vocabulary that you can use to welcome the season. Next, we’ll see some expressions that you can use to talk about spring weather and longer days. After that we’ll see some expressions that you can use to talk about a spring mood. Finally, we’ll end with expressions and vocabulary to talk about the natural world during the spring.

È arrivata la primavera! Spring is here!

At long last, il tempo freddo the cold weather and le giornate corte the short days of winter are over, at least in the northern hemisphere. Even if other things going on in the world are not very happy, at least we have the spring to enjoy. And that means il tempo è più mite the weather is warmer, le giornate più lunghe the days longer, più luce solare more sunlight, and of course più meravigliosi fiori more beautiful flowers. So, let’s cover some happy, bright vocabulary to help you talk about the spring in Italian.

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Le giornate sono più miti. The days are warmer.

The best thing about spring is probably il bel tempo the nice weather and la luce del sole the sunshine. Hopefully you’ll find plenty of occasions to say:

  • Il tempo è bello.
    The weather is nice.
  • Oggi fa caldo.
    It’s warm today.
  • Oggi c’è il sole.
    It’s sunny today.
  • Il cielo è blu.
    The sky is blue.
  • Il sole splende.
    The sun is shining.

Le giornate sono più lunghe. The days are longer

Every year after aver girato in avanti l’orologio having turned the clocks ahead we immediately have an hour more of sunlight. Which of course means:

  • Abbiamo più luce solare.
    We have more daylight.
  • La notte è più breve.
    The night is shorter.
  • Il tramonto arriva tardi.
    The sun sets later.
  • L’alba arriva prima.
    The sun rises earlier.

Even if that last one isn’t technically true, it seems that way. And spring is as much an attitude as anything else. Speaking of which…

Sono felice! I am happy!

It’s no exaggeration that many people’s moods change in the spring. Everything is brighter and happier, so you might want to say:

  • Oggi sono di buon umore.
    I’m in a good mood today.
  • Sono felice perché è primavera.
    I’m happy because it’s spring.
  • Ho più energia.
    I have more energy.
  • Mi sento alla grande!
    I feel great.

How about la natura nature? In the spring you probably want to talk about gli uccelli the birds, i fiori the flowers, and le foglie verdi the green leaves.

  • I fiori sbocciano.
    The flowers are blooming.
  • Le foglie germogliano.
    Leaves are budding.
  • Gli uccelli cinguettano.
    The birds are singing.
  • L’aria è fresca.
    The air is fresh.

Even if things are difficult this year, thinking about spring will hopefully bring un sorriso a smile to your face.

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We hope you’ve enjoyed learning vocabulary to talk about spring in Italian. If you’d like to learn more:

Photo by Hayley Maxwell on Unsplash