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Springtime in Russian

Весна уже здесь! Spring is here!

At long last, холодная погода the cold weather and короткие дни short days of winter are over, at least in the northern hemisphere. Even if other things going on in the world are not very happy, at least we have the spring to enjoy. And that means более тёплая погода warmer weather, более длинные дни longer days, больше солнечного света more sunlight, and of course много красивых цветов  lotsof beautiful flowers. So, let’s cover some happy, bright vocabulary to help you talk about the spring in Russian.

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Дни теплее The days are warmer

The best thing about spring is probably хорошая погода the nice weather and прекрасное солнечное сияние  the beautiful sunshine. Hopefully you’ll find plenty of occasions to say:

  • Погода хорошая. 
    The weather is nice.
  • Сегодня тепло.
    It’s warm today.
  • Сегодня солнечно. 
    It’s sunny today.
  • Небо голубое. 
    The sky is blue.
  • Солнце светит. 
    The sun is shining.
  • Дни длиннее. 
    The days are longer

Every year after мы переводим время вперёд we turn the clocks ahead we immediately have an hour more of sunlight. Which of course means:

  • У нас больше дневного света. 
    We have more daylight.
  • Ночь короче. 
    The night is shorter.
  • Солнце садится позже. 
    The sun sets later.
  • Солнце встаёт раньше. 
    The sun rises earlier.

Even if that one isn’t technically true, it seems that way. And spring is as much an attitude as anything else. Speaking of which…

Я счастлив(а)! I am happy!

It’s no exaggeration that many people’s moods change in the spring. Everything is brighter and happier, so you might want to say:

  • Я сегодня в хорошем настроении. 
    I’m in a good mood today.
  • Я счастлив(а), потому что весна пришла. 
    I’m happy because it’s spring.
  • У меня больше энергии. 
    I have more energy.
  • Я чувствую себя великолепно. 
    I feel great.

Природа nature

In the spring you probably want to talk about птицы the birds, цветы the flowers, and зелёные листья the green leaves.

  • Цветы цветут. 
    The flowers are blooming.
  • Листья распускаются. 
    Leaves are budding.
  • Птицы поют. 
    The birds are singing.
  • Воздух свеж. 
    The air is fresh.

Even if things are difficult, hopefully there will be улыбка a smile on your face when you’re thinking about spring!

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Image by mamkaklass from Pixabay