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Korean Vocabulary for the Home

집에서 jib-eseo: At Home: Korean Vocabulary for the Home

In this post you’ll learn some basic Korean vocabulary for the home. First, you’ll learn general vocabulary for rooms in Korean. Then you’ll move on to learn more Korean vocabulary for the Kitchen. Next you’ll learn Korean vocabulary for the living room. Then you’ll learn Korean vocabulary for the bathroom. And finally you’ll learn some Korean vocabulary for the bedroom. Learning this basic vocabulary with help you be able to talk about everyday life at home.

Rooms in Korean and Other Basic Korean Vocabulary for the Home

Let’s start with the rooms in Korean and other basic Korean vocabulary for the home: 집 jip house; 아파트 apateu apartment; 방 bang room; 거실 geoshil living room; 주방 jubang / 부엌 bueok  kitchen; 욕실 yogshil, 화장실 hwajangshil bathroom; 침실 chimshil bedroom; 식당 shikdang dining room; 지하 jiha basement; 다락 darak attic; 진입로 jinipro driveway; 창문 changmun window; 벽 byeok wall; 천장 cheonjang ceiling; 바닥badak floor; 문 mun door.

  • 집에 가요.
    jib-e gayo.
    I’m going home.
  • 우리는 집에 있어요./ 집에 없어요.
    uri-neun jib-e isseoyo./ jib-e eopseoyo.
    We are home. / We aren’t home.
  • 주택에 살아요, 아파트에 살아요?
    jutaeg-e sarayo, apateu-e sarayo?
    Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  • 집에/아파트에 방이 몇개 있어요?
    jip-e/apateu-e bangi myeotgae isseoyo?
    How many rooms are there in your house/apartment?
Learn Korean. Korean Lessons. Korean Tutor.

Korean Vocabulary for the Kitchen

Now let’s see some Korean vocabulary for the kitchen (주방 jubang): 냉장고 naengjanggo refrigerator; 스토브, 쿠커 seutobeu, kukeo stove, cooker; 오븐 obeun oven; 싱크대shingkeudae sink; 식기세척기 shikgisecheokgi  dishwasher: 찬장chanjang cupboard; 식탁 shiktak  table; 서랍장 seorapjang drawer; 젓가락  jeotgarag chopsticks, 포크 pokeu  fork; 나이프 naipeu knife; 숟가락sutgarak spoon; 접시 jeopsi plate; 그릇 geureut bowl; 컵 keop  cup; 유리컵 yurikeop  glass; 냅킨 naepkin napkin.

  • 내 부엌은 작아요.
    nae bueokeun jagayo.

    My kitchen is small.
  • 나는 부엌에서 요리해요.
    na-neun bueok-eseo yorihaeyo.

    I cook in the kitchen.
  • 음식은 냉장고에 있어요.
    eumshig-eun naengjanggo-e isseoyo.

    The food is in the refrigerator.
  • 식당에 식탁과 의자 여섯 개가 있어요.
    sikdang-e shiktakgwa uija yeoseot gae-ga isseoyo.

    There are a table and six chairs in the dining room.
  • 우리는 식당에서 저녁을 먹어요.
    uri-neun shikdang-eseo jeonyeogeul meogeoyo.

    We eat dinner in the dining room.

Korean Vocabulary for the Living Room

Here is some Korean vocabulary for the living room (거실 geoshil): 소파 sopa sofa; 텔레비전 tellebijeon television; 커튼 keoteun curtain; 깔개kkalgae rug; 책꽂이chaekkkoji bookshelf; 램프raempeu lamp.

  • 거실에는 소파와 의자 두개가 있어요.
    geoshir-e-neun sopawa uija dugae-ga isseoyo.

    There are a sofa and two chairs in the living room.
  • 우리는 거실에서 텔레비전을 봐요
    uri-neun geoshir-eseo tellebijeon-eul bwayo. 

    We watch TV in the living room.

Korean Vocabulary for the Bedroom

Now let’s look at some Korean vocabulary for the bedroom (침실 chimshil): 침대 chimdae bed; 베개 begae pillow; 담요damyo blanket; 시트 shiteu sheet; 책상chaeksang desk.

  • 나는 내 침실에서 자요.
    na-neun nae chimshir-eseo jayo.

    I sleep in my bedroom.
  • 내 침실에 책상이 있어요.
    nae chimshir-e chaeksang-i isseoyo.

    I have a desk in my bedroom.
  • 책상에 램프가 있어요.
    chaeksang-e raempeu-ga isseoyo.

    There is a lamp on the desk.

Korean Vocabulary for the Bathroom

And finally, here is some Korean vocabulary for the bathroom (화장실 hwajangshil): 변기 byeongi toilet; 세면대 semyeondae bathroom sink; 샤워기 syawogi shower; 욕조 yokjo bathtub: 수건 sugeon towel; 화장지 hwajangji toilet paper; 칫솔 chissol toothbrush; 치약 chiyak toothpaste; 비누 binu soap; 샴푸 syampu shampoo; 솔빗 solbit brush; 빗 bit comb; 면도기 myeondogi razor.

  • 욕실이 어디예요?
    yoksiri eodiyeyo?
    Where is the bathroom?
  • 나는 욕실에서 샤워를 해요.
    naneun yoksireseo syaworeul haeyo.
    I take a shower in the bathroom.
Learn Korean. Korean Teacher. Korean Tutor. Korean Lessons. Online Korean.

Learn Korean with the Language Garage

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning some Korean vocabulary for the home, including Korean vocabulary for the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and the bedroom. If you’d like to learn more, check out our other posts on Korean language, culture, and more. And if you’re looking for convenient and affordable live Korean lessons with a real teacher, check out The Language Garage. Our lessons are given online in a virtual classroom, so it doesn’t matter where you live or work – we can come to you. And we have flexible options, with a free trial so that you can decide if there’s a fit. Check us out!

Image by Alina Kuptsova from Pixabay